Pics of animals you weren't hunting

Elk 2024

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Some pics from my tease of a CO 1st rifle this year, normally hunt this unit with an either sex tag but went OTC archery this year so my rifle tag turned into a cow tag. Had a legal raghorn grazing ~150 yards for the better part of half an hour. Also didn't buy my bear tag, and of course had this gorgeous bear lounging at 85 yards for almost 2 hours. Saw a smaller 4x4 muley as well. Great year, but no trigger pulls!


Also, this guy...quality isn't great and could never really tell what was up but my guess is he tried punching above his weight.

1. Large 3 point living out back crossing from the neighbors into my horse pasture during this last November.

2. Moose cause moose rock.

3. Colorado bighorn in September of 22 while I was muzzy deer hunting.

4. Oak creek bighorn sheep right outside of oak city Utah I think 2018


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So I'm almost to my pick up spot and I see this woodpecker and decide to get a picture for my wife who loves to see the extra things we see when hunting. As I'm stopped trying to get the dang bird to stop moving and the camera to focus, 6 to 8 cow elk jump up 75 yards behind the bird and take off down the hill. No cow tag but I was still upset with myself for not being more aware of my surroundings and paying attention to the bird.
