Pheasant shotgun

I like the look and feel of the older round knob A5’s. You can find them fairly cheap too.

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You can find a used beretta silver pigeon 1 for that price in a 20ga, be patient, comparable to that cynergy...just see what shoulders best for you

I'd go O/U in 20ga, much more fun to carry, unless it's an all around gun and ducks are on the list too...then 12 and probably an auto.

My two cents.
I've walked a lot of miles and killed a lot of pheasants in CO, KS, and NE the last 4 years. I do like 3" 5s a lot out of a 12 ga Franchi Affinity. Bought my daughter a 20 ga version of same but she hasn't hunted it yet. For me hunting wild birds, I've had great luck with the Franchi. It can be found sub $1000 pretty easy.

I tend towards improved cylinder the most and have made some rather long shots on wild flushers. The dogs are good about sorting things out with any downed bird.

That third shell comes in handy when they bust724533F8-7A3A-4CBF-8B39-4DAC36D013EE.jpgplus the autos, you can load the mag blind that way you can keep your eyes on the bird.
All the research I am doing tonight it seems the benelli montefltro 20 gauge keeps popping up over and over again
I picked up a 20 ga Benelli m2 a couple years ago and it quickly became my go to gun for everything. Franchi makes an over under that also fits in your budget. Like a lot of people have mentioned, go to a gun store and handle a few guns to see what fits you best.
I willing to blow my budget if it’s for an over under I think. Like a browning cynergy or citori for around 1900.

but do the benefits of the over under outweigh the semi?

I have 3 semi auto 12 gauges already. With 26,28,30 inch barrels. So if I got a montefltro or ethos it will be a 20.

if I go over under not sure if I would go 12 or 20. I guess I need to go hold them
2 barrels, and 20ga.

Not having the bolt cycling back and forth, makes for an easier second shot. It also makes the action much shorter. You can have a much shorter gun with the same barrel length, or the same over all length and more barrel.

20ga will do anything you need, and save you some weight in a gun that will be carried more than shot.

Don’t skimp on a double gun though. They cost more to build. You get what you pay for, there’s no bargains. A franchi instinct is the most adorable good O/U. Browning or beretta are standards. And the sky is the limit from there. A decent double will be something your grand kids will still keep around.
2 barrels, and 20ga.

Not having the bolt cycling back and forth, makes for an easier second shot. It also makes the action much shorter. You can have a much shorter gun with the same barrel length, or the same over all length and more barrel.

20ga will do anything you need, and save you some weight in a gun that will be carried more than shot.

Don’t skimp on a double gun though. They cost more to build. You get what you pay for, there’s no bargains. A franchi instinct is the most adorable good O/U. Browning or beretta are standards. And the sky is the limit from there. A decent double will be something your grand kids will still keep around.
You like a franchi instinct over a browning cynergy?
I've got to say that I almost only hunt upland with an Over / Under now. It has very little to do with action length or anything else other than romance. I think the over under is a classy rig and I enjoy the way it looks and feels.

There is an added benefit of visible safety when everyone has their guns cracked open at the end of a field or around the vehicles, etc.

I've hunted pheasants with a pump and a semi auto, and the third round always ends up being a salute to a bird that is too far away anyway.
My Stoeger M3500 has been downing all matter of birds on the regular for the past 3 or 4 years. I think I paid $600 for it in a camo finish.
I haven't had any issues with it except for cycling dove/ skeet loads when I don't keep it clean.
I have only ever hunted wild birds and I run pointing dogs, so I love having a sling and use 2 3/4" shells until the late season on pheasant and grouse.
I went with the M3500 over the M3000 so I could pass shoot geese with 3.5" BBB's. #noregrets
You like a franchi instinct over a browning cynergy?
My BIL has a Browning Citori and we love shooting it. my kids even prefer it. I would love to get one in 20ga with 3" chamber. I figure that would be similar to a 12 ga 2 3/4" load. Other shotguns we have are a Benelli A300, and a SBE2- mainly for waterfowl, but a do everything shotgun. I prefer a OU for clays as well

For upland my experience has been a big difference in wild vs pen raised birds. Pressured public land and birds flushing far out (I don't own a pointer yet) I tend to load full 3" 12 ga. rounds to reach out and hope to get one 😬 . I have friends that train up their pointing dogs and belong to bird clubs etc and a 20 ga is perfect for that.

A good compromise might be a 16 ga?
28ga SxS first, second Tristar or beneli ultralight 28ga depending on how light a load you want to shoot.

I also have 20ga featherweight straight stock citori with 24” barrels that's fun to hunt with.
If I go semi I think 20 gauge

if I go o/u I think 12

I would handle a 20ga over under to see if you like it better but either way it sounds like you have a good plan. One advantage in buying a 12 gauge is you already have ammo for it, something to consider in today's ammo market.

You could always split the difference and get a 16ga over under, but ammo is more expensive and harder to find in a lot of places.
I have killed a couple truckloads of upland birds with a 20 ga Cynergy. Great for carrying and lively. I never felt handicapped hunting pheasants in four states with it. Prairie Storm shotgun shells are the ticket for pheasants.
I have also had great success with a 20 ga Citori. I usually take a 12 ga and a 20 ga on out of state hunts and realize no higher success with the 12s. I take them so they don't feel lonely in the safe. 😁
I end up carrying the 20s more. When tromping 7-8 miles a day a svelte 20 ga just feels better.