Pfizer clinical trial data: not good at all

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FYI, the flu shot is a complete miss this year, multiple families near me have taken the flu vaccine and it went through them like clockwork
Yea…… of my daughters friends friend had the Flu, developed encephalitis and died from her brain swelling and herniating. She was only 13. First time in my career have I ever heard of such a complication from the Flu. Devastating!
I know more people who had adverse reactions (Bealls palsy, bleeding kidneys,myocarditis etc...) from the "vacc" than those who had to be hospitalized with the Covid.
I keep hearing one thing and seeing the other.
We have around 400 employees, ~85% have received the vax, primarily Moderna. Haven't heard of one adverse reaction, and nothing stays a secret within our ranks.
Same experience for me. I know three people who have died from Covid, including two in my family. And not car crash wrecks with a positive test result - Covid then pneumonia then dead. I know of people with vaccine side effects, but only mild. However, I am sure there are serious side effects and even death.

I appreciate the mods permitting these threads to continue (at least until there is poor behavior). But I offer the following FWIW:
  • If you post something as a fact (as a foundation of your opinion, or otherwise) and it is challenged or even proven to be wrong, don't take it personally. It doesn't necessarily mean your opinion is wrong. We are all fallible and can be wrong, and I'm solidly in that camp.
  • Nuance is dead - meaning that almost any topic or sub-topic in the Covid discussions is more complicated than sometimes posted, at least initially. And I'm not throwing stones. I've said plenty of things on RS on this topic and I've had people with better info and/or experience to point out some of the complexities of which I had been ignorant.
Carry on - popcorn popping

Great post!

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I appreciate the input by actual healthcare professionals in this thread. Your views mirror those of the health care professionals that I know personally, and I trust them more than any news article.

On another note, @TreeStandAthlete can you please change your avatar photo? It's not necessarily (just) your body (if that's even you) that's grossing me out's the ketchup.
Does the vaccine prevent anyone from getting COVID or transmitting it to others?

It does prevent Covid, that is why the Covid new infection numbers dramatically declined when the vaccine was released. It is also why so many elderly didn’t get Covid and anfew that did survived. Does vaccine prevent Covid for everyone? No, but it did prevent folks from contracting the virus.
Ok fine but what is the vaccine doing to your system - you don't know! I choose to study the risk vs reward and yes, I have already had COVID and recovered.

I do know. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I received the first shot over 10 months ago, then second shot plus booster. Nothing adverse happened to me. Just like 100s of millions of other people in the world that have had no negative reactions to the vaccines. Nothing negative happened and nothing negative will happen to my body. Just like 100s of millions of other people in world.
nobody has the right to order someone to take the vaccine either out of risk to their employment
My employer has mandated employees get vaccine. Just like a host of other rules I agree to for employment, this is one more. No THC or more then .03 alcohol in my blood. Can not get arrested. Can not use company name or info in social media or with the media. All ideas I generate in my field are owned by the company. And on and on and on……lots more I assure you.

People can get the vaccine or not, I really don’t care. But all this empty rhetoric and slogans are nauseating.
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Docs these days are giving blanket advice in my experience. My wife who's pregnant had her doc say she needs the vaccine. She's 30 fit as can be and already has had covid. The OB knew all this and still recommended pumping the drugs into her and our new child. Common sense has left the country.
They may not have a choice depending on their employer.

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“Sleep in the bed you make.”

I am a physician and I have the right to give medical advice and do daily. You the patient have the right to take the advice and do with it what you choose. No harm no foul for me…….but for you, the consequences are completely different.

Until you, the patient, are put in that position where the consequences are grave & the outcome poor, you’ll never regret making the decision you made. That’s a fact! And why would you? The risk of having a severe case is still very very small. So, I totally understand that view point. Until then, you’ll continue to believe you made the right decision and support it to others. At the end of the day…….it doesn’t bother me one bit & there is nothing wrong in doing so. I have lots of close friends not vaccinated. I never bring it up. They have and do ask me questions and I state my opinion. Doesn’t change my behavior around them nor our friendship.

There is a lot of good evidence of natural immunity lasting equally if not longer than the vaccine as well as being equally as effective. That being said, the vaccine, from my clinical observation, clearly has lessened the severity of the COVID symptoms one gets. So…..there is obvious cause of indecisiveness when it comes to how to proceed improving your chances of fighting it if you get it. Stoping the transmission is irrelevant at this point as neither natural immunity or vaccine seem to do that well.

So far, none of my friends have been the ones on my operating room table fighting for their life with a complication from COVID ……..but those that were and weren’t my friends were ALL unvaccinated.

I won’t give medical advice here because it’s not my place to do so. Simply reporting my observations. Do what you want to.

I would like to hear your observations concerning most of the patients on your operating table from a health and age standpoint, could you fairly access that?

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Practicing PA-C,MS. 20 years FWIW. Dealing with COVID-19 since day 1. In my personal encounters with patients, I had one patient with very probable side effect to the vaccine. Reactive arthritis. Very healthy female o/w with NO history of joint pains prior to vaccine. Had her 1st shot with resultant arthralgias within a few days of the shot. Her arthralgias significantly subsided prior to getting the 2nd shot. After the 2nd shot, her arthralgias significantly worsened, more so than the first time around. Our last visit she was 6 weeks s/p 2nd shot and she still has profound arthralgias. Other than routine side effects, soreness/redness/etc, I have not had patients with true long term side effects from the vaccine.

The said patient, for her 2nd shot, elected for the other vaccine in hopes of avoiding an exacerbation of her arthralgias, so she had one Moderna and Pfizer.
Can't get more experienced than a part time cardiologist( not an infectious disease expert) and a full time schill that runs a consulting firm specializing in anti vax( a firm that bought 54% of anti vax advertising on Facebook last year yet mandates their employees be vaccinated). Both of these experts have been thoroughly debunked by more qualified doctors and scientists.

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The one giant mistake that most, not all, citizens do these days…..actually trust the medical industry for your health care.
Sort of a broad brush, don't you think? Are you referring to the corps or the clinicians?
Getting my 2 cents in before this is shut down..

I am an MD, been in the Covid trenches since day 1 essentially.

Absolutely agree that the general public has been fleeced with false hope and promises surrounding the vaccine.

To say that the vaccine increases risk of illness and death is absurd. We have so much data beyond the clinical trials to support this. This is probably the one reason I recommend family and friends to be vaccinated…it does a good job of preventing you from dying or staying in the hospital from Covid. Not perfect, but very good at it. As I type this I’m recovering from Covid myself, thankfully mild symptoms.

Aside from the data, I’ve seen first hand lots (hundreds) of folks sick and dying from Covid. None of the really sick/dying were vaccinated that I saw. There were a few I heard about in our hospital but very rare.

Believe what you want, get the jab(s) or not, but probably best to avoid fringe junk like this. Worse than clickbait.
Are there current pre-hospitalization, early treatment regimens that are effective? If these were used early in the pandemic, how many people would have been saved?
I would like to hear your observations concerning most of the patients on your operating table from a health and age standpoint, could you fairly access that?

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I do not have real statistics just guesstimates so let me preface this by saying that.

The major complications from COVID that have required interventions at our institution have been the obvious, need for prolonged ventilation and supplementation/nutrition so they end up getting a tracheostomy and a PEG/feeding tube. Not a direct cause of COVID but and indirect result. The other, and a more a direct result of COVID is arterial clotting. Many patients who clotted off their arteries from the bifurcation of the aorta all the way down to their toes. Clotting of the mesentery which causes bowel is ischemia. And lastly, the pregnant mother who clotted off her artery to her placenta which has caused either intrauterine death of the fetus or premature labor.

As far as demographics go it depends on which wave of COVID we are referencing.

The first wave of COVID before a vaccine it was typically 55-100 yo patients the majority having at least one comorbidity. Obesity, BMI over 30, being the most prevalent. Males wee likely more common than females but I can’t say for certain.

Delta variant was 99% unvaccinated mainly 20s-50s. All patients were obese. Once again, likely more male than female but no specific numbers to confirm.

Obesity was the number one comorbidity. Not only for the needing to have surgery but if you needed a ventilator in the ICU. If you are obese……you appear to be the most at risk.
Wow! Talk about a contentious topic - I put this up there with abortion, BLM, January 6, 9/11 and others - complicated issues that combine politics, claimed fake news and misinformation (not saying what side or both), individual rights, confirmation bias, personal ancedotal stories, statistical error, coincidence, correlation, causation, and the likely self interest of even the taking heads in social media.
Sort of a broad brush, don't you think? Are you referring to the corps or the clinicians?
The top officials worldwide making policy, drug companies, many if not most MDs that only prescribe meds because they know zero about nutrition and hospitals that actually feed the already sick patients fake laboratory created foodlike substances that is the main reasons that secures their business.

NOT the bedside positions professionals that are there because they love people and love caring for people.
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I do not have real statistics just guesstimates so let me preface this by saying that.

The major complications from COVID that have required interventions at our institution have been the obvious, need for prolonged ventilation and supplementation/nutrition so they end up getting a tracheostomy and a PEG/feeding tube. Not a direct cause of COVID but and indirect result. The other, and a more a direct result of COVID is arterial clotting. Many patients who clotted off their arteries from the bifurcation of the aorta all the way down to their toes. Clotting of the mesentery which causes bowel is ischemia. And lastly, the pregnant mother who clotted off her artery to her placenta which has caused either intrauterine death of the fetus or premature labor.

As far as demographics go it depends on which wave of COVID we are referencing.

The first wave of COVID before a vaccine it was typically 55-100 yo patients the majority having at least one comorbidity. Obesity, BMI over 30, being the most prevalent. Males wee likely more common than females but I can’t say for certain.

Delta variant was 99% unvaccinated mainly 20s-50s. All patients were obese. Once again, likely more male than female but no specific numbers to confirm.

Obesity was the number one comorbidity. Not only for the needing to have surgery but if you needed a ventilator in the ICU. If you are obese……you appear to be the most at risk.
What about Vitamin D3 deficiency ? Test for that?
That the government and news media didn’t highlight this information is a travesty. We knew this early on and hid or downplayed the information. Criminal.
Obesity costs the U.S. between $150-210 billion a year........thats a lot of resources that could be directed to a better cause.
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