“Sleep in the bed you make.”
I am a physician and I have the right to give medical advice and do daily. You the patient have the right to take the advice and do with it what you choose. No harm no foul for me…….but for you, the consequences are completely different.
Until you, the patient, are put in that position where the consequences are grave & the outcome poor, you’ll never regret making the decision you made. That’s a fact! And why would you? The risk of having a severe case is still very very small. So, I totally understand that view point. Until then, you’ll continue to believe you made the right decision and support it to others. At the end of the day…….it doesn’t bother me one bit & there is nothing wrong in doing so. I have lots of close friends not vaccinated. I never bring it up. They have and do ask me questions and I state my opinion. Doesn’t change my behavior around them nor our friendship.
There is a lot of good evidence of natural immunity lasting equally if not longer than the vaccine as well as being equally as effective. That being said, the vaccine, from my clinical observation, clearly has lessened the severity of the COVID symptoms one gets. So…..there is obvious cause of indecisiveness when it comes to how to proceed improving your chances of fighting it if you get it. Stoping the transmission is irrelevant at this point as neither natural immunity or vaccine seem to do that well.
So far, none of my friends have been the ones on my operating room table fighting for their life with a complication from COVID ……..but those that were and weren’t my friends were ALL unvaccinated.
I won’t give medical advice here because it’s not my place to do so. Simply reporting my observations. Do what you want to.