I agree, we got outworked, but I disagree that many in the middle would be sympathetic to our cause without being educated or deprogrammed on the matter and I highly doubt that many in the middle that voted for reintroduction actually hunt or fish.The vote for the wolves was extremely tight. It was decided by the middle many of them hunt and fish. Very little info to counter the pro-wolf organized and well funded approach. Barely anyone showed up to the CPW town halls. We as a group are not organized or well funded. We get out worked.
The CPW townhalls did nothing for us because wolf reintroduction was introduced as a proposition and is the worst form of ballot biology. A shit ton of money was funneled into the groups wanting reintroduction from outside of the state and we got outspent by over 2 to 1.
We also could not lean on the commission or CPW because they are not allowed to publicly state opinions on political matters and that screwed us in the end. Not allowing our biologists and wildlife experts weigh in on these issues is a massive problem, why even have them there in the first place if we are not going to listen to the scientists? The general public has no clue how to manage it at all but put it on a ballot with enough signatures and push it through, cause you know, wolfs are cute and cool so lets vote for it.
The anti's know how to work this game and if we as hunters do not figure it out very soon we will lose permanently.