peep height trouble HELP...

Apr 5, 2019
Shooting a 31' axle to axle with 27'' draw and 64# and my peep height is around 5-7/8'' above my nock point

I raised my peep for a couple reasons. 1- to get more sight travel, and 2- bc I notice I dip my head into my string. Raising my peep made a more comfortable anchor but of coarse I had to raise my sight way up back into my peep window (which is good to get more travel right....) but now I am shooting WAY LOW. So of course I need to lower my sight to chase my arrows well when I lower my sight to where it needs to be in order to start hitting more normally the scope falls out of my peep acquisition and starts putting me back to square one sight height.

What am I missing here... do I need to change my anchor point completely ( really don't want to have to do that)
I'm a little confused. Maybe I'm following what your saying, maybe I'm not.

If you draw back and anchor with your eyes closed, when you open your eyes is your peep in the correct position? That is the most important thing.

What peep are you using? Some are made for different angles so that it correctly alines between your eye and sight based on your string angle.

I wouldn't be changing the peep position for anything except for it to be in the correct position for my anchor.
Yeah - what @Billy Goat said. Draw back with your eyes closed, aiming at a shoulder height target, anchor without tipping your head, open your eyes and your peep should be naturally at the right height to frame your sight housing. If it's not - iteratively adjust peep then sight and repeat as needed until everything is good. (Edit: I like to finish this aiming at 40 yards - roughly in the middle of my range when using a slider, so sight will be used at higher and lower positions)

You can't just change peep height for more sight travel. Doesn't work that way. You would need to change your anchor as well.

Also, Sometimes if you still need to tip your head to get your string at the tip of your nose - that's a draw length issue not peep / sight.
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Shooting a 31' axle to axle with 27'' draw and 64# and my peep height is around 5-7/8'' above my nock point

I raised my peep for a couple reasons. 1- to get more sight travel, and 2- bc I notice I dip my head into my string. Raising my peep made a more comfortable anchor but of coarse I had to raise my sight way up back into my peep window (which is good to get more travel right....) but now I am shooting WAY LOW. So of course I need to lower my sight to chase my arrows well when I lower my sight to where it needs to be in order to start hitting more normally the scope falls out of my peep acquisition and starts putting me back to square one sight height.

What am I missing here... do I need to change my anchor point completely ( really don't want to have to do that)

This reminds me about the Archery/Shooting saying “changing one thing changes everything”
Yeah - what @Billy Goat said. Draw back with your eyes closed, aiming at a shoulder height target, anchor without tipping your head, open your eyes and your peep should be naturally at the right height to frame your sight housing. If it's not - iteratively adjust peep then sight and repeat as needed until everything is good.

You can't just change peep height for more sight travel. Doesn't work that way. You would need to change your anchor as well.

Also, Sometimes if you still need to tip your head to get your string at the tip of your nose - that's a draw length issue not peep / sight.

Good description of the process. I tend to glaze over important parts.
I know it seems backwards, but take the peep out of your string, shoot your bow peepless (at just a few yards) and sight in your bow that way. That will ensure your sight gang is sighted in for where it needs to be, then put your peep in and when you line it up with your eye, your sight gang will already be lined up through it.
I'm a little confused. Maybe I'm following what your saying, maybe I'm not.

If you draw back and anchor with your eyes closed, when you open your eyes is your peep in the correct position? That is the most important thing.

What peep are you using? Some are made for different angles so that it correctly alines between your eye and sight based on your string angle.

I wouldn't be changing the peep position for anything except for it to be in the correct position for my anchor.

Yes, eyes closed anchor , eyes open and peep is perfect. Just a normal 1/8'' peep i believe.


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adjusting the height of the sight should never change how you line up the site in the peep.

when you say you raised peep, this makes you lift front of bow higher to get sight aligned in peep. all ok so far. but now that you raised front of your bow higher to line up sight with new peep height, obviously your arrows are hitting higher.

so now you need to raise your sight housing up to make your pins line up with where your arrows are hitting.

i think from your post, it seems like after you moved your peep up, you moved your sight up to "line up with peep" but i think you should have just lifted your bow arm a tiny bit. this will bring sight up in line with peep. this will make your arrows hit high. Now slowly bring sight housing up, but only to where the arrows are hitting.

the sight housing should always be centered in peep, and should only be moved to make pins line up with where arrows are hitting.

so instead of raising the sight to line up with your peep, try to just raise your bow arm until it lines up.

hope this makes sense!