Patagonia donated to fight climate change

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Apr 5, 2015
I don’t find alignment with all of Chouinard’s positions, or those of his company, but his commitment to the outdoors and the natural environment is unquestionable. Giving away a $3 billion company is more “putting your money where your mouth is” than most can ever even conceive of.


Noble display for a cause perhaps not quite so noble. Surely there are better ways to spend a fortune though the act is pure.
So he got duped into thinking that he needs to give up his life's work to combat a scam? This just confirms to me the power of the brainwashing that's been unleashed on mankind. It'll be interesting to see how hunters react when this climate change scam turns into a social credit score that will dictate how many miles you can drive. On the bright side it might ease crowding when all the NR's are limited in how far they can travel.
Regardless of the cause atleast he is a man who puts his money where is mouth is…. Better than alot of folks out there would do in his situation

Edit: I don’t own any Patagonia
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He's given his fortune to the religion of climate change.
Like Zeppelin's stairway to heavan.
"There's a lady who's sure

All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there there she knows
If the stores are all closed
WIth a word she can get what she came for"
Maybe people in the lesser 48 dont notice climate change since all your glaciers are gone and what not. But up here in ak you dont have too look to far to see that things are changing "quick" relatively speaking. Especially when you go out to coastal villages and talk to some of the older natives. If you're ever in seward, go to exit glacier and you will see how fast things are moving. Theres glaciers you use to be able to see from the highway that are now receded back behind mountains that happened just in the passed 10 years.

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Maybe people in the lesser 48 dont notice climate change since all your glaciers are gone and what not. But up here in ak you dont have too look to far to see that things are changing "quick" relatively speaking. Especially when you go out to coastal villages and talk to some of the older natives. If you're ever in seward, go to exit glacier and you will see how fast things are moving. Theres glaciers you use to be able to see from the highway that are now receded back behind mountains that happened just in the passed 10 years.

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I spent 6 months in Newfoundland with a volunteer organization around 2010. The locals set me straight up there on this subject, as they had been watching their ice in/ice out change over the preceeding 20-30 years. They made a compelling argument.

I'll agree with anyone that it has been weaponized. But I have a hard time seeing that it's not happening to some extent.
Maybe people in the lesser 48 dont notice climate change since all your glaciers are gone and what not. But up here in ak you dont have too look to far to see that things are changing "quick" relatively speaking. Especially when you go out to coastal villages and talk to some of the older natives. If you're ever in seward, go to exit glacier and you will see how fast things are moving. Theres glaciers you use to be able to see from the highway that are now receded back behind mountains that happened just in the passed 10 years.

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Has it exposed the forest UNDER the Mendenhal glacier yet?
Yes, climate happens.
Too bad hunters, who are supposed to be conservationists, have gotten so wrapped up in this us vs them nonsense that they have abandoned their ability to use rational thought and critical thinking. Instead we divide ourselves into camps, and have knee jerk reactions to everything that people in the other camp say. Patagonia makes good gear, it lasts for ages, and holds up better than a lot of the "hunting" brands. How it got to be that anyone who cares about the environment that we leave for our children became some evil lefty green and anyone who thinks that mindlessly drilling and destroying public lands became a genius is beyond me. Maybe use this as a point of discussion and compromise, instead of mindlessly spewing talking points that we don't understand. And for the record, I'm in the sitting in the middle camp, trying to understand WTF is wrong with all these people who are being programmed by both sides...
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