Passing the time while hunting

Play solitaire and read books on my tablet when not glassing. FYI, there are a ton of old and very interesting hunting and exploration books on the Gutenburg Project and google books, can download in several formats. Kind of fun to read.
I text my wife and ask her what she is seeing. Then I text my father-in-law and ask him the same thing. Then I repeat the process.... lol
I text my wife and ask her what she is seeing. Then I text my father-in-law and ask him the same thing. Then I repeat the process.... lol
I had an eventful archery elk season one year where I went nuts with messages on the Inreach. At 50 cents a message after my tenth, I could have bought a nice piece of gear for what that bill cost.
If signal maybe watch some videos with headphones of course. Browse internet, which usually gets me in trouble cause I buy things. Or take a nap. I sleep so good when I’m hunting lol. Love waking up to see game right in front of me and then scrambling to get whatever weapon I’m using at the time lol.

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Kindle paperwhites are great for reading, work well in all sunlight and the battery lasts a long time. They use to be pretty fragile, however the last couple ones I've bought are much more stout.

Podcasts are great too. Just (obviously) download before hand and its a good idea to put your phone in airplane mode. That will allow your battery to last much longer.
In such situations I love to read my Kindle, or listen to favorite podcasts. Anyway - spending time like that - the best relax I can imagine.
I bring a book in an antelope blind. But I rarely read it- too locked in to my view and looking/listening for goats. In a treestand I play on my phone a bit for the first hour (evening sit). After that I'm too locked in to my surroundings. I always enjoy watching nature.