Greetings all: In February I replaced an old drop away rest with a Hamskea Hybred Hunter limb activated drop away rest. When I installed it, I tuned the bow to the arrows that I was using but planned to replace. It was pretty darn good. I now have my new arrows, and I can't get rid of a nock right paper tear. It's not high or low, it's just a right tear. I have moved the rest as far to the left as it will allow, and I still have the right tear. It's probably an inch to inch and a half from tip entry to nock entry, it was much worse until I moved the rest all the way to the left. My bow is an Elite Answer at 60#, my draw length is 27" and my arrows are Easton Axis 5mm 340 spine, 27" carbon to carbon, 3 fletch, x nock, 50 grain brass insert, and 125 tip. I can see the nock right flight when I shoot. I'm sure that the flight can be better, but I don't know to make it happen with what I have. I know that form can cause the problem, but I don't think my form is poor on every shot. Advice and thoughts would be awesome. THANK YOU!!