Packing for day


Aug 22, 2016
Cascade Idaho
Hey folks,
Just curious what folks are packing for day hunting in September?
Do you used saddlebags, a small backpack, a combo?
I think my 2 piece longbow will fit well in a rifle scabbard.
I pack a pack animal regardless, I always feel like I’m being optimistic and prepared…. In case I get one in September. But also I can pack a little more gear and supplies so if I get into them late I have the option to stay the night more comfortable.

I rarely where my backpack on a horse, unless I harvest and can’t fit it in the pack animal. I won’t allow clients to where them on horses either, to many sore horse backs from the weight of the pack, guys not riding properly and also trying to get on and off with it. I know some guys along the pack over the saddle horn but I’ve seen that sore horses to and cause wrecks.

Just found it easier to bring a pack animal

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Other than lightly filled saddlebags, an electric saw, a hand saw and a couple ropes, I don't carry anything other than my vest. That gives me 10-15 miles every day for a month. I come home each night. If I plan on an overnight I take everything I need on a packhorse.