Pack Mules??

Re: Hobbles.

I never had an animal that couldn't do a fair Secretariat impression while in hobbles.

It's true mules can get by on very scanty feed. And if they can't , who cares, they're mules

They have a class here at the Flathead Valley Community College every spring on packing. I tried to get in last year but it was full. Planning on taking it this spring. If you are not too far, might be worth the drive. It's once a week for several weeks. I'm self taught and know I have a LOT to learn so hope I can get in on it this spring.

You'll be throwing double diamond hitches in no time but for the love of God
don't do it wearing Crocs!
I packed in 20plus years ago and the wrangler was trying to throw a diamond hitch. I thought we'd be late before we got the string moving and grabbed a ratchet strap and gave it to him.

It inspired me to become a ropesmith.

I also suggest the app grogs knots
I packed in 20plus years ago and the wrangler was trying to throw a diamond hitch. I thought we'd be late before we got the string moving and grabbed a ratchet strap and gave it to him.

The modern version of the old Squaw Hitch !
So I live not far where the Decker was popularized... Packers in the know don't recommend diamonds for new folks.
Been packing 30+ and never saw a need for a diamond ,but I do use the Decker diamond for a top pack if needed. (Explained in the book I posted).
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If you pack with a Decker you can get by with knowing a basket hitch, barrel hitch, crows foot for each, middle fork diamond and a hitch for packing heads/horns