Pack for hunting/ rock climbing


Sep 18, 2023
This is a pretty niche question but I figured I’d throw it out there and see if anyone else is in the same boat…

My Osprey hiking pack is starting to fall apart and I’m looking for a replacement.

In the summer I use this pack primarily for rock climbing trips in the mountains and often carry 60 pounds in it between my food and gear. In the fall I have been using it as my hunting pack.

Im interested in upgrading to a pack with some sort of meat hauling shelf and I’m curious if anyone else has a pack that they like for both climbing and hunting.

I like a pack that’s around 60 liters/ 3600 cu in.

Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!

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Will you actually be climbing in this pack, or just hauling into camp ? If so, check the clearance of the frame and helmet when you've got it on. Technical climbing involves a lot of looking up, and many hunting packs on the market limit this movement. Especially with a helmet on.
If you're just hauling climbing and camping gear, but not actually climbing in the pack, then any pack will work. If you're looking for a pack you can wear while actually doing some technical climbing then you may want to prioritize a more streamlined pack over hauling potential. I assume you're not climbing with the pack on since few people prefer to climb with a framed pack, but I could be wrong there.
Thanks everyone! Appreciate your response to my random question :)

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when i was doing rock climbing that was few decades ago i used a 32 liters with 2 pouches one on each side of 8 liters each. i do not see rock climbing with a big bag but that is just me.
now hunting in the mountains with rocks is different ...
Standard packs are relatively inexpensive, I dont think it makes sense to use the same pack for both. 60l is a huge climbing pack, so I assume youre doing overnights or carrying a gigantic rack of cams and ropes, etc? Are you hauling it, or just backcountry cragging, climbing with it, or?? Any 50-60l pack “can” work, but depending on how youre using it it’ll either be way heavier and more cumbersome than it needs to be for climbing, or it will carry weight poorly for meat-hauling and you’ll likely destroy it quickly, etc. for me the two uses are different enough that id strongly prefer a dedicated pack for each.
I think Mark Twight says “take a big dumb pack” plus whatever you can climb the route in. If you carry your rifle on the pack with a gun bearer anything light and flexible enough for climbing will probably swing all around and be lopsided. That’s been my experience trying to make climbing packs work for hunting.