Pack color - deal breaker


Dec 25, 2020
I'm shopping for a new multi day pack. I currently have a mystery ranch that I'm real happy with but it's not big enough for multi day trips. Ever article I read points me towards stone glacier in the comfort and reliability department however their color options are pretty much a deal breaker. When I'm trying to seal the deal on a really mature bull in archery I always have my face painted and camo patterns have been a big deal to me. To go and throw a bright reflective grey pack on seems like it would really lower my odds for camouflage. I even appreciate the darker solids that kuiu, exo and mystery offer but definitely not the lighter grey or tan. It's frustrating because I think stone glacier actually has the pest pack aside from this. Will probably go with kuiu or exo. Anyone else struggled with this decision based on colors?
I'm shopping for a new multi day pack. I currently have a mystery ranch that I'm real happy with but it's not big enough for multi day trips. Ever article I read points me towards stone glacier in the comfort and reliability department however their color options are pretty much a deal breaker. When I'm trying to seal the deal on a really mature bull in archery I always have my face painted and camo patterns have been a big deal to me. To go and throw a bright reflective grey pack on seems like it would really lower my odds for camouflage. I even appreciate the darker solids that kuiu, exo and mystery offer but definitely not the lighter grey or tan. It's frustrating because I think stone glacier actually has the pest pack aside from this. Will probably go with kuiu or exo. Anyone else struggled with this decision based on colors?

Absolutely the last of my worries. I’ve called bulls in blaze orange lots of times and usually archery hunt in solid greys or tan. I also quit wearing face paint and masks a few years ago and havnt had any issues getting bulls close. I just buy what matches all my performance check marks regardless of colors.

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There are a lot of dudes killing big animals in Stone Glacier packs. Either A) they're getting lucky; B) they could be killing MORE big animals; 3) it doesn't matter.
To answer your question, no...there is no struggle.
As mentioned, you’re totally overthinking pack color.

First, SG packs are not ‘reflective’.
And secondly, elk don’t see colors like humans.
Have use my grey SG for 7 seasons hunting and guiding out west. No color issues for me!

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Unless you are sneaking in by crab walking backwards I doubt it will make much difference. I can’t say anything, because I have a camo pack. I chose my pack pattern because I thought it looked sweet. I can tell you from personal experience it hasn’t helped me get crazy close to any bulls.
They see on a gray scale anyways.
So most likely they will just think the black straps are floating in the air.
How many old gray weathered logs out there?

I just dont see it as a problem.

To be truly camo out you have to micro climate that so much I think its unrealistic anyways to expect to always blend.
Most people would be surprised how terrible dark camouflage is, especially wet then its even darker.
I agree with the above that it likely won't matter. However you would think a major pack maker would get with the times and at least offer one camo pattern. They are certainly losing some business over it.
I agree with the above that it likely won't matter. However you would think a major pack maker would get with the times and at least offer one camo pattern. They are certainly losing some business over it.
It seems to me there original target customer was the Sheep hunting crowd.
Gray works great in the boulders.

I think licensing camo cost more then people think too.
And if you create your own camo then people would whine it doesn't match there outfit.
I've got two SG packs and love them. I've shot five mature bulls, and several smaller ones, with a bow, with SG packs on. The closest was a 7 point at seven yards. No need to worry about pack color. Things to worry about when bowhunting for elk - wind, wind, wind.....

I don't do camo paint either....
I love SG but agree that they should offer a coyote brown or Ranger green option. Not a deal breaker though.

I also like the solid colors for traveling and everything else in public. I prefer the less obvious,low profile approach when I hunt...
I am a camo disgrace in the woods, mixed patterns, sometimes none at all, just muted regular stuff, never been an issue if I was right with the wind, still and silent. Hate to admit it here but I once got a stupid good deal, like 70 percent off from Midway, on a 10 point x bow I have killed a bunch of deer with in Kansas, in Pink Muddy Girl camo. My excuse is I ordered for my two daughters but they only rifle hunt. Was going to paint it, but after year one success on a old 14 pt said who cares. Hot pink for me. Lol
I have a kifaru coyote amr on my SG frame, fits fine and I have a amr in highlander for sale in the classifieds. No problem using a different brand bag if you can make it work out. I know the amr fits a SG x-curve or krux frame.

I purchased the coyote amr because I prefer not to have a camo pack, different strokes for different happy and use what you think is best for you since your own opinion should be your guide.....