Overwhelmed Whitetail Newbie

Thanks so much for all the advice.

I’ve picked up quit a few nice layer options that are earth tones. Out gear is much cheaper than hunting gear as mentioned.

I can also use it in my everyday life which is awesome.

I would love to find some camo or otherwise bibs that are insulated.

Preferably that don’t weigh a ton and can be packed into my stand and put on once I get cold.

Does such a thing exist?

I love a bib for the warmth of sitting. And fleece for being quiet. But hunting bibs cost a fortune and carhartts are heavy as piss.

I come from a lightweight backpacking background so I’d love to stay light.
I haven’t found a bib from a non-hunting company with the features I want. The FL Solitude bibs roll up decently well for what they are and the full length side zips makes it easier to put them on while set up. I also like the uncompahgre pants when packability is important. They’re not silent but quiet enough for me since I don’t make much noise with my legs in the tree. If you’re patient and monitor the various buy sell trades and classifieds, you can find a deal on like new or gently used sets.
Look at getting a leafy suit for archery and layer in regular cloths added when funds allow, really in riffle season and muzzleloader camo isnt nessicy at all.

Cheap non camo suggetions or cheaper places
Wrangler outdoor pants
Fleece from tjmax or sierra trading posts
Military cold weather clothing on ebay
Classfied on here and archery talk
Facebook marketplace

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