Overpowered with a 10x32. Maybe going to B series Maven

signing off

Mar 3, 2023
So for a couple years I have been using 10x32 Cabela's Euro binos. They were bought during the closeout and knew that 10x was not ideal for eastern whitetail. They were a budget friendly way into good glass.
Staying neutral on overall cost has me considering B series 6x or 8x32. The 10x will be sold.
Has anyone held both back to back? First hand info?

My eyes are adjusted to nice glass and won't be happy if I slide backwards.
I have a pair of Maven B.3 series in 8x30. Build quality and the optics are good for the price point. I would caution the practicality of a 6x bino. I think the 8x would be ideal if you want something easier to hand hold and with a wider FOV than the 10's.
The 6x Maven B.3 doesn’t have the FOV gain to justify its magnification so I’d stick to 8x30’s. If you want 6x FOV above all else the Kowa 6.5x32 BD II are a better option.
For what this is worth…. I’ve used a cheap pair of 10x Nikon binos for years here In NC. Public land hunting for me here, all thick timber and mountains. Couldn’t see anything and they were seldom worth using unless I was trying to identify something I had already seen with the naked eye.

Came home last year from a Montana hunt frustrated with my glass and splurged on a pair of Swaro 10x….. night and day. Totally useful in thick woods, the detail is incredible.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that you may not have to go down in magnification if you are going up in glass quality and field of view. I don’t know how the mavens compare though so not sure how helpful this will be.
I have both the 6 and 8, b3’s. I love em both. I am hunting an area where the farthest I can see is 160 yds and most of the time it’s less than that. I had a pair and decided to sell em. I missed em as soon as I did and immediately bought another pair. I just recently picked up the 6’s to try out. I like em more than I thought I would. If I had to pick one I’d probably lean toward the 8’s but wouldn’t be disappointed with the 6’s where I hunt. Which ever my son prefers, I’ll use the other.
Arent the cabelas eu rebranded meopta meostars?

Im in the same boat, and considering the mavens as well. Im trying to decide between spending more money versus not. Physical size and weight are a major consideration, as is low light performance, but also close-range depth of field (say, 40 yards to 200 yards, so as to not miss movement when fov is highly cluttered for the entire distance that is visible), edge to edge clarity and contrast. I also use my compact binos fairly heavily and worry about long term durability, so I’ve been reluctant to spend here.

Can anyone directly compare maven 8x30 to similar size/weight from the usual suspects? Zeiss sfl 8x30, swaro cl 8x30, meostar 8x30 (are the cabelas euro’s these?), etc?
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