Outsert for rip

I'd like to get 100g total on insert/collar. Not sure how to go about doing that with ethics. Seems itll be 110 of 95g
I just got some more RIP TKO's and ordered IW 100gr HIT's and have 25gr collars. My last set of RIP's I did 75gr brass HIT's and IW Collars and did 50gr brass and 10gr IW Collars on my Axis. I'm pretty excited to get these arrows built. I think the 125gr insert combo will make a great setup and a super durable arrow, I will run a 100gr expandable head and the overall arrow will be just under 500gr with 20% FOC.
I went with the the Ethics 55g insert and 25g collar for my RIP XV's. Properly squaring the end and getting a good fit will make them as straight as a HIT/Footer combo. I see the appeal of the former though.
I dont like the thought of sanding my arrows as I've read you have to do with ethics. Just makes me think ill weaken the integrity of the arrow doing that.
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Ive been thinking, Is it actually worth the money to spend on ethics and or iron will footers? Do they protect the shaft that much considering you cant reuse the components if a fail does happen.
Ive been thinking, Is it actually worth the money to spend on ethics and or iron will footers? Do they protect the shaft that much considering you cant reuse the components if a fail does happen.
They will save an arrow, I undershot my target with a RIP TKO and hit a large rock. It broke the field tip and cracked the collar but saved the arrow. The IW hits can also be removed and reused with the drill bit trick. I just removed and sold a set of 25gr IW collars last week and am moving to a 100gr insert.

These came out of a set of arrows and were installed with Easton epoxy. I soaked them in acetone and cleaned them off with a scotch pad.
Wow, I never had any luck getting hit inserts out. I figured they were one and done along with the collars.
I’ve taken deep six and IW HITs out, takes several hard swings with a drill bit in the back of the shaft. I don’t think it would work well with the brass or aluminum since they are so soft and would mushroom. The steel ones come out pretty well. Collars are put on with cold/hot melt and come off with just a little heat.
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All I've ever tried were the aluminum inserts. This will be a first for me on either ss and or brass inserts. Do you like the iw over ethics? I like the thought of no sanding but ethics are cheaper and aluminum (for the weight I want).
All I've ever tried were the aluminum inserts. This will be a first for me on either ss and or brass inserts. Do you like the iw over ethics? I like the thought of no sanding but ethics are cheaper and aluminum (for the weight I want).
Most people confuse IW and Ethics for the same thing. They are vastly different. Ethics uses an outsert, while IW uses a hidden insert. Every aspect about the IW besides the price is superior to Ethics.
Yeah I dont like the price of them that's for sure. But for the weight I want i can get ss from iron will unlike ethics I get aluminum for the weight.
IW HIT system would be the first option, second option would be the ethics system in them. For the ethics system, depending on what weight you want, i would go with a steel collar and try to get the longest post you can get by with.
All I've ever tried were the aluminum inserts. This will be a first for me on either ss and or brass inserts. Do you like the iw over ethics? I like the thought of no sanding but ethics are cheaper and aluminum (for the weight I want).
Well IW you can go from 15-100gr for the inserts and 10 or 25gr for the collars so you can get about any weight you want up front and be very strong. All the IW components are reusable as long as you don’t lose the arrows. Even if you had to heat the insert to remove them you still wouldn’t ruin the insert just possible the arrow. Like mentioned above, I’ve always been able to remove stainless steel HITS with no damage to the insert or arrow.
I’ve been very happy with the IW hit system. I have had 4 dozen collars on different arrows and currently have a dozen 10 & 25gr ones.