Our food

Also all the GMO food that they don't allow in most other countries
Which GMO foods are you referring to? Quite a few GMO’s are allowed in European Countries despite the popular belief that they aren’t. You’d be surprised to learn that there aren’t that many GMO plants that are eaten directly by humans. Most are for animal feed. Wheat, dry beans and most vegetables are not GMO. *edited to add Canola which is mostly GMO and is called rape in Europe.*
Tells me all I need to know.
You mean that he is likely educated on the topic and actually knows what he’s talking about?

Or that he’s obviously part of the deep state that’s trying to control you via poison in your food to convert you to sick and controlled sheep as a slave to the Illuminati and profit for big pharma?

I fear that I already know the answer to my question.
I don’t believe it’s any type of crazy conspiracy. It’s profit motive, unchecked government programs to boost industry without consideration for public health and a society that values cheap food and massive portions over quality.
Just out of curiosity, what poisons are in our food?
We can start with all the petroleum based dyes used because they are cheaper and last longer than natural alternatives. Its all about the bottom line. Unfortunately we as the consumer have demanded things from the supplier like long shelf life foods that look good or food that can be prepared quickly which in turn has led to a rampant increase in synthetic ingredients used.

I was also "trained at a major agricultural university". Or should I say, Monsanto edu.

Glad I came to my senses and changed courses.
If it makes you feel any better, I also developed and taught a course on organic animal production, emphasizing what goes into organic certification of animal food products and their compositional and nutritive differences versus conventional products. I have no issue with "natural" or organic food products, or people who want to consume those products. I consume them myself.

The whole point of my post was that I have direct, first-hand knowledge of what some of the ingredients mentioned do in food products. Not only in theory, but in practice. It's what I've spent my career doing. Posters are demonizing ingredients based off of fear porn they heard on some influencers' podcast; not actual science. I'm sorry if what I shared didn't result in the confirmation bias some of you sought.
I have a theory, Our issue with food here besides the bullshit in it is the "fact" that our food is lacking nutrients, so maybe that triggers us to eat like slobs to try and attain the nutrients we need.

I mean how much actual nutrition is left in a fruit or vegetable weeks after it was harvested, after shipping and sitting at the sore it surely is not as nutritious as it was the day it was harvested, I mean it is dead!
I know what the studies say, but I really doubt any of them have studied the combined effect of the 1000's of chemicals were exposed to on a daily basis.

Something isn't right when 1 in 5 children in the US are obese & the obesity rate goes up as income goes down. Something like 90% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy. We may disagree on how safe processed foods are, but I don't think there is any arguing that food companies have designed those foods to be highly palatable. Even if they were somehow healthy to consume, they cause you to overeat.
Walmart has decent food available, you have to choose the right stuff to throw in the cart. The question is why do lard asses usually have shit in the cart? Love the 6 packs of diet sodas straddled over the cart sides so there's more room for chips and pop tarts.
Americans like cheap food. We spend 11% of our income on food and if prices increase people get very upset.

I run a sideline beekeeping business but it’s not very profitable. But my honey is actually raw and it is amazing (but a PITA to keep liquified). The commercial beekeeper I used to work for claims his is raw, but in reality it’s a heated blend. My customers tell me they throw it away. Unfortunately that’s how you stay in business—cut corners—farming is really difficult. If you want good food grow it or go to the farmers market. But then you have to cook it and that also takes time.

Ironically I’ve noticed the food in Chicago is really good—I think there’s a lot of competition and restaurants get fresh produce?