Aug 31, 2021
Hey guys, I’m planning my first mule deer hunt in Arizona for this January. I’m thinking the first 10ish days of January but that’s not set in stone. I was wondering what everyone’s recommendations were on units? Any musts, terrain to emphasize on, tactics, donts, etc? I’ve read many of the other posts but jsut looking for any relevant information. TIA
Guess I need to clear it up that I wasn’t looking for anyone’s specific spot or honey hole. I’ve done my due diligence, researched, looked at maps, read pretty much every post on here about the Arizona otc hunts, talked to friends who have been, etc

I was simply looking to start a dialect on the topic. So let’s jsut forget about any unit talk I get that’s a little touchy for guys

that being said I understand the basic life of a mule deer, I have good glass and know glassing is going to be super important, I know to bring water so I don’t die, obviously if I hit the rut right I know to follow the does…

so what I was asking was as I have never actually hunted mule deer, only read stuff, are there any other tactics, terrain features to target night vs day, stalking tips you guys might think are vital for a noob to know for a January hunt?
That old saying about getting off the road/trail is imperative, and difficult. Locals hunt the roads hard, especially on the weekends.
AZ rut starts in late Jan early Feb. Deer can go up to 2 days w/o water under really heavy pressure if forced to. But find water source and sit it late in evening to glass. But Not the actual water source, but possible pathways to and from to locate bigger bucks making their way there under cover of darkness. Glass those shady mountain slopes or covered washes with thicker vegetation that the endless stream of 4 wheelers and side by sides don't run. Sit on top of washes and glass early mornings and watch the does. They will guide you to when the rut hits. Lastly, do not use your OHV off marked trails, AZ Fish and game are every where writing tickets to pay for new RZRs they recently purchased to write tickets.
I’ll be out there the first five days of Jan. Had also been wondering how much hunting water was useful. Figuring it’s all relative to the year, but that they will still need water.

Thank you everyone who is offering strategy advice.

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The biggest bucks I have seen (usually while quail hunting mind you) were not anywhere near water holes. I've seen plenty of does around water. But the big bucks get big by not going near water unless its at night. So hunting near water holes has been hit and miss from my experience. Yes they need water, but the big bucks are smart and big for a reason. I bumped one out of his bedding down mid morning last February and I was shocked how far away he was from the nearest water source. With the monsoon being so strong this year, water holes will be abundant most likely. The stalk is extremely difficult to stay quiet. Some people take their shoes off and go in socks. I've tried it and its not really much more quiet. Your best bet is to scout well ahead of time and set up in a good ambush spot where you have a good look at game trails. Its tough, very challenging, and rewarding when successful. Anyone who is successful archery hunting deer in AZ is a damn good hunter (or just extremely lucky). And as always hard work pays off. Get off the beaten path.
The biggest bucks I have seen (usually while quail hunting mind you) were not anywhere near water holes. I've seen plenty of does around water. But the big bucks get big by not going near water unless its at night. So hunting near water holes has been hit and miss from my experience. Yes they need water, but the big bucks are smart and big for a reason. I bumped one out of his bedding down mid morning last February and I was shocked how far away he was from the nearest water source. With the monsoon being so strong this year, water holes will be abundant most likely. The stalk is extremely difficult to stay quiet. Some people take their shoes off and go in socks. I've tried it and its not really much more quiet. Your best bet is to scout well ahead of time and set up in a good ambush spot where you have a good look at game trails. Its tough, very challenging, and rewarding when successful. Anyone who is successful archery hunting deer in AZ is a damn good hunter (or just extremely lucky). And as always hard work pays off. Get off the beaten path.

Awesome info man. Thank you. I’m looking forward to the adventure of it all with a buddy. Just being there is success to us. Certainly we hope to get an opportunity or two but looking at the trip as a time to learn and experience it all.

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You guys hunting above the rim, below the rim or on the rim? Can kinda sorta be different hunts. Ruts tend to start at different times with this as well.