Guess I need to clear it up that I wasn’t looking for anyone’s specific spot or honey hole. I’ve done my due diligence, researched, looked at maps, read pretty much every post on here about the Arizona otc hunts, talked to friends who have been, etc
I was simply looking to start a dialect on the topic. So let’s jsut forget about any unit talk I get that’s a little touchy for guys
that being said I understand the basic life of a mule deer, I have good glass and know glassing is going to be super important, I know to bring water so I don’t die, obviously if I hit the rut right I know to follow the does…
so what I was asking was as I have never actually hunted mule deer, only read stuff, are there any other tactics, terrain features to target night vs day, stalking tips you guys might think are vital for a noob to know for a January hunt?