The only thing ODFW can control is the number of tags/hunters. Effective predator management is off the table due to legislation. They really need to cut both archery and rifle Deer tags in half or more. There is no easy fix; Deer herds are down all across the west and nobody seems to have the answer.
I will say, those hunters complaining about their lost OTC opportunity might spend a few minutes looking at the new tag numbers. There are more archery Deer tags for 2021 than there were when it was OTC and that's the problem now, still too many tags for a dwindling resource.
I will say, those hunters complaining about their lost OTC opportunity might spend a few minutes looking at the new tag numbers. There are more archery Deer tags for 2021 than there were when it was OTC and that's the problem now, still too many tags for a dwindling resource.