Order of Reloading operations

Nov 30, 2021
Empty brass, #1 I anneal,#2 lube and FL size,#3 Toss in tumbler/vibrator, #4 Trim if needed, #5 Clean primer pocket and Chamfer necks, #6 Prime and charge, and #7 Seat the bullet. What's the order of operations for you all out there?
Mine process is the same as yours except I clean primer pockets and trim/chamfer/deburr before tumbling.

If brass is really carbon’d up I’ll decap and tumble before resizing but that is rare.
What’s your thoughts on tumble then anneal vs anneal then tumble? I’m still working through new brass on 2 guns and never bothered annealing before now. I will be with this brass so wondering if there’s a reason for doing one first? Thanks
What’s your thoughts on tumble then anneal vs anneal then tumble? I’m still working through new brass on 2 guns and never bothered annealing before now. I will be with this brass so wondering if there’s a reason for doing one first? Thanks

I want to anneal before resizing. That’s all that really matters.

I like to anneal after the first tumble (in my process) which is just after knocking the primer pockets out. I tumble here because I want the media to help with the primer pockets. (Can be a pain if using corncob or similar media getting it stuck in the flash hole) One extra step to knock the media out when taking care of flash holes.

I personally like to see the annealing line and sometimes tumbling after annealing can lessen the look. It’s a visual thing for me. Also reminds me that I’ve done it when I go to load.

I often don’t tumble again after sizing if I’m only doing 20 or so rounds. It’s easier for me just to wipe them off and I’m not getting my tumbling media all funky. If I’m doing a lot of rounds then I’ll tumble again.

I used to use a wet tumbler and stainless steel media, but it became too time consuming for my liking.

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No annealing
No cleaning primer pockets
No tumbling

Wipe off with a rag
Lube and size
Wipe off lube with rag and spray can window cleaner
Check length. If at length limit, trim, chamfer inside and out. If not carry on.
Fresh brass gets a chamfer debur. Usually.
Fire ammo
Spray lube fired brass
Size/deprime in one step
Tumble in rice
Repeat until brass is too long and needs trim/chamfer/deburr. Do that after sizing.
Anneal after 5 firings
I don't anneal but I don't shoot that often. I measure each one after full length resizing. I only trim as needed.

Since I don't load hot, I don't see much stretch. I probably haven't had to discard three casings in 50 years.