Opticron spotters - don't overlook them


Jun 14, 2022
This thread has kind of turned into a dumpster fire but I got my mm4 60.

The dual focus knobs are really cool and smooth, I can’t believe all spotter don’t have the kowa style knobs.

The brightness holds up much better than I expected. I think my ares got noticeably dimmer above 30x and I don’t notice hardly any change in brightness until 40x and it’s still very usable at 45x

I may try to point it at a resolution chart, take some scopecam pics, and share some more thoughts in a different thread that isn’t melting.
I'm interested in your findings and look forward to your new thread. Thanks for heads up.

Until then, does your MM4 come to sharp focus at 45x? I know that you wrote that it was still bright at 40x but wonder if you can still achieve good focus and see more detail than lower magnifications.


Jul 29, 2019
I'm interested in your findings and look forward to your new thread. Thanks for heads up.

Until then, does your MM4 come to sharp focus at 45x? I know that you wrote that it was still bright at 40x but wonder if you can still achieve good focus and see more detail than lower magnifications.

It seems to resolve more with increasing magnification, but Ive only been able to mess with it in the evenings because of work. I think im going to print a resolution chart and test it out.

What’s the right way to test that objectively? Just by seeing if you can resolve more elements at 45x vs 40x at a fixed distance? I may try some different distances and see what I find.

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Jun 14, 2022
It seems to resolve more with increasing magnification, but Ive only been able to mess with it in the evenings because of work. I think im going to print a resolution chart and test it out.

What’s the right way to test that objectively? Just by seeing if you can resolve more elements at 45x vs 40x at a fixed distance? I may try some different distances and see what I find.
Thanks for the info on the MM4 at 45x.

Are you wanting to determine the resolution of the scope, or how well corrected it is, or both? You can perform objective and subjective tests, but if you can get sharp focus up to 45x then I would just enjoy the scope.

I like doing the tests, but it is time consuming and can be frustrating for various reasons.
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Mar 29, 2019
I think you'd like the 60mm, some days I regret selling it to bearsear.

It's a good view until a few minutes before the well known 80mm class spotters at dusk.
I'm thankful I bought that MM4 from you every time I take it out Sndmn!

I'll weigh in as a completely unqualified person. In my experience with the 60mm MM4 I referenced and Sndmn sold, I find that I lose a bit of sharpness at max zoom but its minor. Where I see most degradation is at high powers in failing light. This is to be expected of course but as Sndmn said in the quote above, its never going to stack up to a quality 80mm in those conditions.

Also my biggest beef is not having a sunshade on the 60mm. I had a very specific bull in early morning last year that was to the north east of us and a shade would have really helped. Id post the pics but it wouldn't do the scope justice as it was from an old Samsung S9+ and through the phone case.

Matt Cashell I would absolutely love to see you do a review of the MM4 platform. I always greatly appreciate your write ups. I truly do believe that in their price point, these MM4s are really hard to beat. A review I think would be cool would be the viability of getting a MM4 60mm and a 77mm body and the SDLv3 eyepiece as a combo to try and serve a hunters needs for truck and backpacking spotting. At full price the combo would be around 1,900 bucks. That's quite a package for the price if it reviews well.

Do they stack up to the big three? Probably not. Do they beat out most in their price? From what Ive looked through, yes. That fine focus though! Lol
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