I'm interested in your findings and look forward to your new thread. Thanks for heads up.This thread has kind of turned into a dumpster fire but I got my mm4 60.
The dual focus knobs are really cool and smooth, I can’t believe all spotter don’t have the kowa style knobs.
The brightness holds up much better than I expected. I think my ares got noticeably dimmer above 30x and I don’t notice hardly any change in brightness until 40x and it’s still very usable at 45x
I may try to point it at a resolution chart, take some scopecam pics, and share some more thoughts in a different thread that isn’t melting.
Until then, does your MM4 come to sharp focus at 45x? I know that you wrote that it was still bright at 40x but wonder if you can still achieve good focus and see more detail than lower magnifications.