Opinions on what bullet


Jun 11, 2016
I have 3 bullets that shoot fantastic out of my 7mag. 160 Speer sp, 175 Berger, 162 eldx. All three are groping 1/2” to 5/8”. What would you pick for elk?
Eldx would be last on my list. The Berger or Speer would be a toss up. I’d use either one and be happy about it
I will through one in the mix: 145LRX. I like what monos do to elk, but also have had good luck with Hornady bonded bullets. My choice will be between the 145LRX and the 162 ELD-x.
My oldest son has killed several bulls, mule deer and a couple bears with the 150 TTSXs out of my old 7mm.
That said, if I was starting from scratch, I’d go with a Berger. If your rifle likes the 175s, I vote for them.
Berger bullets are designed to penetrate a few inches and then frag. I have never shot anything with them, but I like elk meat too much to shred it up and contaminate it with lead. I have had my fill of lead from eating geese. I shot a huge bull with a mono at 200 yards. The bullet smashed through s shoulder blade and exited out the other side. The exit wound was about the size of a nickel. I had good luck with Interbonds over the years, expansion was good and the bullet retention was good out to 470 yards was my longest shot. A good quality bonded bullet or a mono will certainly get the job done I should think.
If you're open to bullet suggestions outside your list, I'd look at the PVA 151gr Cayuga. It's a mono that we've shot multiple antelope, deer, and elk with and had great results.
Any you have initially listed should work well. Buy a bunch, practice a bunch, and good luck. Whatever one you can put ~500 downrange with this summer is the one to pick.
The Speer and Berger if it has to be of those three. Although I don’t have much experience with Berger, I load 168 grain Classics for a friend and he brings back an elk back every year. 7mag as well btw.
160 Speer, hands down right now. Not a fan of the ELDX. I don't like the penetration, almost never an exit wound. Just started loading and shooting Bergers. They shoot well, but I haven't hunted with them yet.
What distances have you seen the ELDX not fully penetrate? I have no preference -
Im interested in this too for my 7mm getting ready to try the berger 175 and see how it shoots. I havent heard much bad on Bergers. I also have 160 accubond to try out.
Out of what you mentioned, I’d go with the Berger. I wouldn’t count on having a pass through tho. You might get an occasional pass through but majority of the time, the elk will catch the bullet. I’ve shot several mule deer and a few elk with the bergers that were fairly boring 1 shot kills. Just know what the bullet is designed for. It’s not a heavy mono for busting through bones.
Out of what you mentioned, I’d go with the Berger. I wouldn’t count on having a pass through tho. You might get an occasional pass through but majority of the time, the elk will catch the bullet. I’ve shot several mule deer and a few elk with the bergers that were fairly boring 1 shot kills. Just know what the bullet is designed for. It’s not a heavy mono for busting through bones.
do you avoid the shoulder? lungs/heart aim point I'm guessing with the Berger
do you avoid the shoulder? lungs/heart aim point I'm guessing with the Berger
Yes. I try to avoid the shoulder if I can. The one mule deer took it to the shoulder and little pieces of lead shot out the opposite side of the buck. Must have been 10 or more very small exit wounds. I wish I had taken a picture to show. That bullet struck the very point of the shoulder blade tho.
Yes. I try to avoid the shoulder if I can. The one mule deer took it to the shoulder and little pieces of lead shot out the opposite side of the buck. Must have been 10 or more very small exit wounds. I wish I had taken a picture to show. That bullet struck the very point of the shoulder blade tho.
what was shot distance?
I've used 168 Hunting VLD's for years out of my 7 mag, they perform as described. The damage is devastating on the inside where I want it. Many DRT shots on Deer, Elk and Antelope.
Killed 2 bull elk with my 300 win with 220 grain ELDX's, 550 and 505 yards both 1 shot kills, very impressive damage and results. My oldest son shot 1 cow elk 7 mm mag 180 berger VLD, 1 shot kill but not a bang flop. We then tested different ammo. Switched to 155 grain Terminal Ascents. My sons both shot bull elk with their 7 mm mags 660 and 600 yards with Federal 155 Terminal Ascent's. Again both 1 shot kills. I and the guides were super impressed with the results. I liked the results so much I sold my 300 win and got a 7 mm mag. Both the guides were so impressed they are going to see how their guns shoot them!

I was lucky enough to be with my sons for their hunts. The 660 yard is on video!!!!!!!! I shot my mule deer at 50 yards...lol.

The guns are Bergara Wildeness Ridge's.