Opinions on Moon phases during archery season?


Apr 10, 2014
I think almost every bull I've shot has been within the 3 day period of the full moon! But, I almost always plan my hunt to coincide with the full moon!

Topgun 30-06

Feb 25, 2012
Allegan, MI
The full moon may make a tad difference in the timing of the rut since it adds light to the photoperiod that triggers the rut in ungulates like deer and elk. I have to laugh when I read a person say that deer and elk can see better in a full moon period when it's a proven fact that they can see in the dark of the moon much better than we can on a sunny day at noon, so they sure don't need the moon for any help!

PA 5-0

Feb 18, 2014
Suburb of Philly
I think that anyone that pays close attention to the moon phases will tell you it does affect movement. Can't tell you how many TV guys I have heard say they plan all their trips around full moons. These are guys and girls that hunt 4-5 months straight. That should tell ya something.

If I am paying and/or traveling, I will not plan a trip on a full moon. Week after is best, especially when awaiting the rut. I guided whitetail hunts in IL for 10 years and hunted there another ten. Many elk trips out west. Full moon days are generally dead during daylight. My Muley hunt in CO in the first rifle season this year was a fine example. Landowner had 15 hunters in the field on like 7000 acres. Full moon was blazing til Sunday night. Only 1 hunter tagged out on that weekend. Saw a ton of deer but the big bucks were just not moving. Mon, Tues, Weds, the flood gates opened, more and more every day as the moon tapered. 14 other hunters tagged out by Weds(I was the last). Same spots, same hunters. Only the moon changed. I was bummed I could not hunt all week cause by Weds, it was getting nutty. Had to get my boy home for school. I could tell ya 100 stories just like this one. Plan around it if you can. If you can't, the best day to hunt is the day you are able. Good luck.



Last edited:
May 20, 2012
Last year was my first rut elk hunt and it was during a full moon. The elk bugled all night and at first light the rest of the day they were silent. I have always been a firm believer in moon phases. I'm not saying you won't see or kill during a full moon. And this goes for all species. But I have noticed decreased day light activity during full moon hunts. I hunt whitetail in my home state and agree you can't kill them if your not in the woods. I live by that quote. But I won't plan any of my out of state hunts during a full moon. I've done it twice and have confirmed my thoughts on both hunts. If I have one week every other year to hunt out of state I stay away from full moons just to eliminate the possibility of it effecting my hunt. That's my two cents. Good luck hunting!


Apr 10, 2014
Your experience is the exact opposite of mine! Elk screaming all day long! Many times elk I've encountered late evening have been going to bed down, after feeding most of the afternoon! I cant comment on the elk bugling all night long though. I don't hunt at night!