Opinions on getting into the Points game?

Sep 18, 2015
Hello all,

Im just starting to apply in some states outside of my own (Oregon) and was curious about what some of your thoughts would be on which states to apply in. I am a newer hunter and by no means a trophy hunter. I want opportunity over trophy quality. I would rather build a few points and burn them on a less desirable hunt then wait 10 years to pull one tag.

I want to begin building points in Nevada, Arizona and Wyoming. It seems like all three of those states have some opportunity to hunt Mule Deer (Nevada) or Elk (Late Archery in AZ and general tags in Wyoming) with relatively low points. Based on some draw odds on GoHunt you could hunt some decent Mule Deer units in Nevada with 2-4 points and some decent Late Archery Elk hunts in AZ with 4-5 points. If I understand correctly a general Wyoming hunt could be drawn with 3-5 points as well. During years that I am building points I can hop over to Idaho where there is a lot of OTC opportunity. Does this sound like a reasonable strategy? Is the Late Archery AZ elk hunt a fun hunt or not really worth it in your opinion? Having to buy the license to apply in AZ also makes the OTC deer hunts in December and January appealing, only having to pay for the tag on years I can make that work.

I also have some questions about Colorado and Montana. It seems both of those states have some good OTC or leftover tag options. Would it be worth building points in those states or is the OTC experience on par with a low point draw unit? I want to give myself opportunity to hunt but also don't want build points and spend money on draw units that aren't much better than just doing an OTC hunt.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Sep 18, 2015
Didnt realize i was in the elk hunting thread when posting this. if this needs to moved somewhere else please let me know and how i would be able to do that.


Jul 22, 2014
Don’t overlook deer in Colorado! Awesome hunting for zero-4 points. Late AZ elk is no joke and you need to scout a ton. But with the random odds now, there is always a shot at pulling off a Hail Mary. NM is a crap shoot, but if you have the cash to let them borrow for a while it is awesome hunting, no points needed.
Sep 18, 2015
Don’t overlook deer in Colorado! Awesome hunting for zero-4 points. Late AZ elk is no joke and you need to scout a ton. But with the random odds now, there is always a shot at pulling off a Hail Mary. NM is a crap shoot, but if you have the cash to let them borrow for a while it is awesome hunting, no points needed.

Thanks for the response. 0-4 years for out of state hunts is right in the zone im looking for. I would rather have 1-2 out of state hunts a year with low point totals to draw than wait for 10+ years to draw a premium tag. Seems feasible to spread it around an draw one out of state hunt every couple years and back fill in places that have a lot of OTC opportunity when i dont draw.


Mar 24, 2012
Warren Oregon
I do not know what your budget is and how much time you have for hunting, but if you get a tag from several States every 3-4 years, you can plan to be gone a lot some years. Watch out that you do not have to forgo good hunts, as the time available for each is too short to cover them all. I like the idea of putting in for units that you can go to on a fairly frequent basis, but I would have a couple that take longer also. Even that requires a sizable amount of funds dedicated to hunting.
Sep 18, 2015
Thanks for the responses guys. I love Randy's podcast and will make sure to listen to this one.

Swede you make a good point about funds and time dedicated to hunting as most people including myself can be low on one or both of those things.

If you guys were to pick a 1-3 states to build points in how would you go about it? I like that Idaho, Colorado and Montana have some good OTC or leftover options and am not sure if those states are worth building points in (i know idaho doesnt have points). I like the idea of Nevada for deer because the season is early and wouldnt impact september elk hunts and drawing a tag there every couple years sounds like a fun way to kick off the fall season.

My plan looks something like this

Hunt in my home state Oregon every year unless i draw a better tag in another state or choose an OTC option in Idaho, Colorado or Montana. In a year i plan to hunt OTC in Idaho i might as well apply and if i draw great if not i was going to hunt OTC anyways. Put in for new mexico when time or money allows and hope to get lucky because once the refund gets sent back it looks like its only $20 per species

2-5 year hunts
Nevada Deer
Wyoming General Elk
Az Late archery if time or money allow and i dont feel like waiting in AZ anymore

Long Term hunts
AZ Elk
Utah Elk
Nevada Elk
May 2, 2016
Reno, NV
Thanks for the responses guys. I love Randy's podcast and will make sure to listen to this one.

Swede you make a good point about funds and time dedicated to hunting as most people including myself can be low on one or both of those things.

If you guys were to pick a 1-3 states to build points in how would you go about it? I like that Idaho, Colorado and Montana have some good OTC or leftover options and am not sure if those states are worth building points in (i know idaho doesnt have points). I like the idea of Nevada for deer because the season is early and wouldnt impact september elk hunts and drawing a tag there every couple years sounds like a fun way to kick off the fall season.

My plan looks something like this

Hunt in my home state Oregon every year unless i draw a better tag in another state or choose an OTC option in Idaho, Colorado or Montana. In a year i plan to hunt OTC in Idaho i might as well apply and if i draw great if not i was going to hunt OTC anyways. Put in for new mexico when time or money allows and hope to get lucky because once the refund gets sent back it looks like its only $20 per species

2-5 year hunts
Nevada Deer
Wyoming General Elk
Az Late archery if time or money allow and i dont feel like waiting in AZ anymore

Long Term hunts
AZ Elk
Utah Elk
Nevada Elk

Looks like you're pretty on par for Nevada assuming it's the early archery hunts you're targeting. NDOW will most likely continue to cut deer tag quotas for the foreseeable future, so keep in mind you might be waiting the 4 - 5 years. You can always get lucky and draw it early though.

For Nevada elk swing for the fences your first four choices and then put the easiest area you're wanting to hunt as choice number five. You could put in for some of the cow hunts as well, but I'm not sure if that's of interest to you.