OnX Sent Pins not Working


Mar 16, 2016
Anyone having issues with people sending pins/waypoints? Have had a couple sent to me in the last couple weeks or so and when I click on the link, it takes me to OnX, then my screen goes black and in a minute or so, it will come back but it doesnt take me to the pin that was sent.
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I have been hit or miss when saving a track lately as well. It will show up as saved when I am in the field, and then when I get home it's no longer there.
I emailed the link to myself and pulled it up no problem on my computer. So its only an issue on my phone.
I've had a hard time getting pins to populate. Seems like sometimes they don't pull up. Then I can close and reopen the app and they will randomly appear. Not sure what I did or didn't do to get them to eventually show.
I had to run an app update on Monday. Have you checked to ensure you have the latest version? Even if you have the latest, an uninstall-reinstall isn't a bad idea.
I had to run an app update on Monday. Have you checked to ensure you have the latest version? Even if you have the latest, an uninstall-reinstall isn't a bad idea.
It said it was up to date. Deleted and reinstalled and now its saying that I need IOS 16 or higher to complete the update. Currently updating my phone to 15.8.3 (I think). Not sure if my phone is even compatible with 16. Guess we will find out.
I had to run an app update on Monday. Have you checked to ensure you have the latest version? Even if you have the latest, an uninstall-reinstall isn't a bad idea.
You rock. Updated my phone its working. Not sure when that update was released but its been doing this for a couple weeks now. I swear I checked my phone update last week and it said it was good.