...on the mountain!


Apr 28, 2019
We love mountain hunts! I've been very fortunate to be able to keep mountain hunting even at 67 years "old".

This spring I picked up a cancellation for Stone sheep in British Columbia. A dream hunt I had never expected to accomplish as they get more expensive every year.

I had purchased a new mountain rifle last year. It's a Bansner Ultimate Ovis in .270 WSM. I chose a Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44mm to put on it because it's light weight, magnification and easy turret feature for ranges out to 550 yards.

I developed a load for the rifle using a Sierra 140gr TGK in front of a good dose of RE22. It's fast and accurate with minimal drop out to the longer ranges. I practiced at our range with 12" steel plates at 300 - 400 - 500 and a ram at 550 yards.

My ram target is 550 yards. GONG!

So, I had decided to drive the 1800 miles from my home in Idaho to the meeting place in Yukon Territory to add to my adventure. I wanted to drive through the sheep country of northern BC which I had heard of and read stories from other mountain hunters. Muncho Lake, Muskwa, Prophet River, Stone Mountain, Pink Mountain, Toad River, Folding Mountain, etc.

I met my guide, Dee, at Watson Lake, YT where we would take a float plane in to a remote lake to begin the hunt. We flew for almost an hour in a pontooned de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver. The country is truly spectacular. I could see areas which had burned earlier in the summer. There was still the smell of smoke in the air.

The plane left us around 2pm. We hiked up the ridge to begin glassing the mountains to our west. We immediately spotted a group of five rams feeding around a large outcropping. They were a long ways off. Four were young yet one was very close to full curl. We decided to pitch camp, glass more of some of the hills and basins and keep watching the rams we had found.

The next morning we saw the same rams further away up the canyon. We decided to break camp to get closer to where we might see more rams. We hiked through the low brushy pines and swamp then started gaining elevation for a good vantage point.

When we arrived at a large outcrop there was a "flat" area we could look over more areas. It was a nice place for glassing. We then saw a couple of rams feeding in a lush green pocket surrounded by trees. Both looked pretty good. We could see one was broomed on both sides with the other longer with perfectly flaring tips. We chose to just watch the rams. There was no real way to make a stalk with the wind blowing at our backs. There was no hurry.

The flaring ram had a bedding spot he really liked. The would get up, feed around, kick at bugs then lay down on the same knob.

While we were watching the rams, two more rams showed up. They were solo. One feeding lower on the opposite ridge. The other was acting crazy running across the sidehill probably bothered by bugs. He covered a lot of ground zigzagging up and down the hill until he went out of sight.

We decided to make camp where we were since we were concealed from the rams where we were. The "flat" spot wasn't so flat when were were looking for places to pitch tents. I found a depression to put my tent over so as not to slide to the bottom of the tent being nylon to nylon. I also didn't want to chance having the tent slide off over the cliff on the mossy slope.

We watched the rams until dusk. They looked quite content with their surroundings.

The next morning when we got up the broomed ram and the flare ram were both feeding in the lush pocket. They moved up the hill so we decided to get off our perch to cut the distance just incase either presented a shot. The wind was calm. There were several trees and boulders where we could watch from without being in the open. We discussed shooting distances. I said I really didn't want to take a first shot over 400 yards even though I had practiced longer distances.

Around 10am the flared ram and another came back over the knoll feeding to our left. They fed slowly in and out of the scrub trees. They were edging closer. As they moved I found a good boulder to shoot from if required. It was a very steady rest. I adjusted my bipod to make my rifle level. I also rolled up my rifle cover to make a rear rest. The setup was perfect. I could see the flared ram very well but the other ram was not as visible. The flared ram stopped in some rocks facing to the left broadside. I ranged him at 463 yards. I said I thought I would be able to shoot that distance since the ram was standing fully visible. I dialed the turret to 450. Dee was watching through his spotter with a scope cam.

I fired. Seeing the impact in my scope I knew it was good which was confirmed immediately by Dee.

The ram only took a couple steps before dropping into the rocks.

We watched his tail flag a few times before being still. SUCCESS! I had my Stone ram!

We decided to retrieve our tents and packs before going to the ram. We brought our gear down to a small meadow by the creek leaving the gear in plastic bags. We then hiked up to the ram for photos and breaking it down to pack. It was a great feeling having the ram. Stones are not a given quarry. Weather and their lower numbers can make for a difficult endeavor.

That night we camped by the creek. We cooked tenderloins over the fire. The meat is soft and delicious.

The next day we packed the meat, trophy and our gear back to our initial campsite. The weather called for high winds so no pilots were flying. We were to be picked up the following day around 4pm.

I watched loons swimming and dancing 75 yards from where we sat waiting for our ride.

The Beaver showed up on time. We again flew over gorgeous mountains and valleys on the route back to Watson Lake.

I'm very happy to accomplish the hunt and have my Stone ram.

Mountain hunts are experiences and feats which are not easy so they give us special memories that we have had to work hard for and be proud of.

Thanks for sharing my experience.
Jan 18, 2022
But you should never have made that shot with that scope! Are you sure you didn’t bump it twice on a rock, once to knock it out of zero and once to knock it back in?

(joking, of course.)

Sounds like a kick-ass hunt, and that is a beauty of a ram, congrats man and great to see you getting after a tough mountain hunt in the second half of your 60s!


Apr 9, 2023
Congrats and great recap of your hunt. Enjoyed reading it.

Downside is now it's one more thing to put on my list.
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Mar 1, 2023
Great trip indeed. Wonderful pictures and congratulations on your success!!

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