On being a flake

This is why I love having a brother. If we make a plan we go, sick or not. He is the only guy I would trust with making plans of leaving at 1 AM to be in the woods by sun up. We never have a sore spot about who shoots. We are equally happy for the other if they are the one to pull the trigger. We choose to hunt turkeys together even though we would be individually more likely to get one if we separated.

I'm glad I don't share you're experiences. I might be the only one here who hasn't been burned.

I have had friends who asked to go elk hunting with me that I wouldn't due to previous experiences of flakiness.
This is my first year hunting. Got an offer to go elk hunting bought a bow gear a tag and a flight. Two weeks off from work. The whole nine. If people can’t commit to a weekend then their loss. If someone wants it they’ll make it happen.

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It may have been said already, but I always vet a potential hunting partner with a financial commitment first. Like, "Hey, it's going to cost $xxxx just to put in for this tag, or I'm going to go ahead and book the rental/motel/horses/etc. now, go ahead and send me your share." That really seems to thin the herd on most things. And, I always make it clear that even if something comes up for anyone, the financial commitment stays the same.
Most of my hunting has been solo so far. I’m looking to dip my feet into archery elk in state this year and out of state next year and I’ve heard about how great it is to have a partner for calling and whatnot… at this rate I’m gonna have to pay a guide to have a partner 😂

More likely I’ll just venture out on my own again and hope for the best.
i really don't see any benefit of a partner elk hunting..... slightly different strategy, and solo is more productive. there are more than one ways to kill an elk, and solo calling isn't that hard.... again, slightly different strategy
99% of the time I solo hunt and if someone wants to come along I'm fine with that but I always let them make the contact prior to leaving because I know I'm going whether they are or not
Wow I feel blessed to have good hunting partners after reading this. We were all raised hunting together with our dads who all hunted together. Guess that has something to do with it.
me also I have hunted with the same group for the last twenty+ years
You will find out there are very few guys you can depend on. I have one friend who lives 10-12 hours away from me and if we schedule a hunting trip, it's happening or something major (like a death in the family) happened.

I hunt alone locally for whitetails and have a handful of friends that I converse with, help track, hang stands, etc but none of them will leave the state.

If you are posting on this forum, you are probably much more serious about hunting than any other person you know.

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Ive had a solid/reliable great group of close buddies and my dad that i take a long bowhunt with out of state once or twice a year. So many awesome memories. Now my son and daughter 13/20 have started to bowhunt hardcore with us also! Its unbelievable! I dont mind ever going alone but its sure fun getting back to the camp or cabin and hearing how everyones hunt went over a warm meal!!! Scouting and hanging stands together. Sharing all the ups and downs of the hunt. Tracking deer together. Learning from one another. Cmon september !!!!

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Guys, I’ve gotta be honest. I’ve been looking for a hunting partner forever and man, I don’t know if it’s a northwest thing, a hunting thing, or it’s just an adult thing in general but people are hardcore flakes.

I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve made plans with someone, only for them to disappear the day before, and pop back up a week or two later. Case in point - I made plans with a guy that’s been talking about elk hunting with me to go into the mountains and go fishing. Nothing too big, dude agrees and we set a weekend. I get back from being out of town, shoot him a message and I literally don’t hear from him until a week later telling me happy 4th of July and that we need to talk about elk hunting(spoiler alert - there ain’t gonna be any elk hunting because I can’t rely on you).

I get that we’re all adults - we all have stuff come up occasionally… hell I would’ve accepted “it’s too hot sorry” or “sorry I changed my mind I want to stay home this weekend” but the bullshit of not reaching out when you make this decision is childish.

Where I’m from, when you say you’re gonna be somewhere you’re there early. If you decide you don’t want to go, you let the folks know ASAP. I also don’t commit to things I don’t want to do - I say no if it doesn’t interest me or if I have other plans

I wish I could say this is the only time it’s happened or the only person it’s happened with, but it’s a thing.

Any insight on this at all?

For the record, these people aren’t members of this forum to my knowledge.
That drives me up a wall. Fortunately I got good friends who I have hunted and fished with for decades. They are reliable And I am too. If I make a commitment to do something with someone I will be there unless there is a health crisis of somekind and you will know the minute I know Im not able to get there.
If you tell me 6 months in advance to pick you up at an airport somewhere at 6 pm I will be there unless you hear different or I do. And you better damn sure show me the same. I have met plenty of flakes over the years and it only takes one time for me to put a flake in the rearview mirror.
And honestly I dont want to hear about your priorities unless you make them clear before you make a commitment. Then I can decide if I want to roll the dice on it.
I was raised to be on time and honor your commitments you make to others come hell or high water.
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Working at the power company makes me very unreliable. I normally don’t make plans with anyone unless I’m vacationing. Then I still go solo in case I have to leave early for a family emergency. I’ve agreed to an 8 man backcountry archery hunt for our opener. I have already signed up at work and all BUT If a hurricane hits I’m out. Which I’ve told them many many times. I don’t want to be the last minute back out guy
Not sure if it's true or not, but not honoring commitments seems to be a thing lately. I've always been the kind of person who would make it if I had to crawl, anything rather stand up my buddies. And my buds have been (and thankfully still are) that way. I take a surf trip every two years with 6 guys in their mid 60s. Last year one had stage 4 cancer. Showed up. Medical marijuana, nausea, and bald head, but by God he showed up.
It definitely seems to be an overall issue anymore. We are selling my wife's old car, guy wants car, blows off meeting us at his recommended place, next day guy says he can meet me, I ask a time, 10:30 am.

10:30 comes and goes no contact, contacts my wife at noon and complains it is the only day he can see the car after she tells him she has plans for the afternoon, tells him I can meet him, asks a time...Crickets!

New Mexico it is definitely part of the culture, the land of manana!
Guys, I’ve gotta be honest. I’ve been looking for a hunting partner forever and man, I don’t know if it’s a northwest thing, a hunting thing, or it’s just an adult thing in general but people are hardcore flakes.

I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve made plans with someone, only for them to disappear the day before, and pop back up a week or two later. Case in point - I made plans with a guy that’s been talking about elk hunting with me to go into the mountains and go fishing. Nothing too big, dude agrees and we set a weekend. I get back from being out of town, shoot him a message and I literally don’t hear from him until a week later telling me happy 4th of July and that we need to talk about elk hunting(spoiler alert - there ain’t gonna be any elk hunting because I can’t rely on you).

I get that we’re all adults - we all have stuff come up occasionally… hell I would’ve accepted “it’s too hot sorry” or “sorry I changed my mind I want to stay home this weekend” but the bullshit of not reaching out when you make this decision is childish.

Where I’m from, when you say you’re gonna be somewhere you’re there early. If you decide you don’t want to go, you let the folks know ASAP. I also don’t commit to things I don’t want to do - I say no if it doesn’t interest me or if I have other plans

I wish I could say this is the only time it’s happened or the only person it’s happened with, but it’s a thing.

Any insight on this at all?

For the record, these people aren’t members of this forum to my knowledge.
I blame mobile phone culture.