Older savage "slam" fire


Aug 17, 2018
My brother called me he, he has an older savage, 111, I believe in 7 RM, that is more sentimental than anything. He was out shooting it this weekend when he closed the bolt the gun fired.

He took the bolt out of thinking the firing pin stuck and it doesn't appear to be stuck.

Could this be a trigger problem or would it be more of a headspace problem?

I am going to pick it up and take it to a smith in the next few weeks but thought I would pick the slides brains first.
Trigger problem. I had the same issue in my wife's Savage 7mm-08 with the Accutrigger. Adjusted the stock trigger numerous times then it would fail again. Swapped it out to a Rifle Basix and all is well. Easy job and relatively affordable.
Often on older rifles, the trigger has never been cleaned so it doesn’t reset properly, and/or it’s been messed with and there is so little sear engagement it’s not safe to shoot. Taking it to a gunsmith is a smart idea.