Older bow

Jul 11, 2022
Good evening all,

I have been prepping for an elk hunt. I am looking for some thoughts on my Bow and Arrow set up. I have only shot white tail with my rig. I have a 20 year old Mathews solo cam. It is cranked down all the way and is at 59 lbs, was 70 new. Currently using axis arrows that weight 390 gr and shot them through my chrono today at 240 fps. I am very comfortable shooting 80-90 yards during practice, but a little concerned about how slow and light my arrow is moving for a 50 yard shot on an elk. Not sure if I should try to make my current set up work or if my bow is getting too old. Thanks for the input.

Thanks Ryan
It is cranked down all the way and is at 59 lbs, was 70 new.
If you're only getting 59 lbs out of a 70 lb bow with the limb bolts fully tightened, something is pretty far out of spec. The buss cable could've stretched over time or there could be a problem with the limbs. I have a 70 lb Mathews Heli-m that was only making 65 lbs with a brand new string/cable and it turned out to be due to a cracked cup washer under the upper limb bolt. I would have a reputable shop look the bow over then order a new string/cable set if the other components pass inspection. I doubt anyone will have a set avaliable on the shelf for a 20 year old bow; it will likely have to be made to order, so I would get on it ASAP since we're less than two months away from the start of many archery seasons.
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Check your axle to axle measurement and brace height and compare those measurements to the factory specs. Your ATA will increase and brace height decrease as your cables and string stretch. Most likely your ATA is over a 1/2 inch longer than factory. You would need a bow press and draw board to twist cables and string to get bow back into specs and cams in time. Probably best to take it somewhere and have a new string set put on and bow tuned. Should be able to get them replaced in the 100 to 125 dollar range.
As others have said something is out of whack with that bow if it’s only getting 59lbs out of 70lb limbs. I have a 17 yr old Bowtech that I still shoot. It has 60lb limbs and it maxes out at 60lbs. Take it to a bow shop and have it thoroughly checked. I’d get new strings and cables at minimum but have them go over the bow with a fine tooth comb.

Other than that hunt with it. Arrow weight is a touch light but it will kill. Sharp broadhead behind the shoulder through the lungs. Nothing can survive that.
Thanks so much all for the feed back. I think the cable is stretched over time. ATA should be 31" and it is 31-1/2" and brace height is off by 3/8" also. I called a shop in phoenix and they said it would be $220 for a new string and tune the bow. Is this to much? $100-$125 was mentioned. Any recommendations on a string for an older bow and how do I find out what size string I need or is it brand and model specific? Can I buy a sting a put this on myself? How much of the tuning is something I can't do. Thanks so much for all the help.
220 isn't absurd. Figure 100 or so for threads, 120 for labor. To diy you need a press, tools, and know-how. If you don't, and you trust the shop, let them have at it.
New string and cable alone, without install is probably north of $100 nowadays. Prime does free lifetime replacement so I haven't bought one in a long time, but the last winners choice I put on my old Mathews was $80 15 years ago. I don't think $220 is bad at all.
I wouldn't shoot the bow again until it's had new strings installed.

If you are buying a premade string at the shop then I think $220 is absurd for the install alone. They'll put the string on in minutes. However, it's the "tuning" that you are likely paying for. I'd make certain what their definition of "tuning" is.

The bow will kill elk any day of the week once it's safe to shoot.
I shoot a switchback xt, so 15 years old or so. My arrow is around 400 grains.

Paid about that much last year for a new string/cable. It’s worth it to have an experienced guy with all the tools set up a new string.
maybe call one more shop to get another quote, but based on your questions you would probably benefit most from the shop that will get strings on the quickest and then will let you shoot/settle the strings in/ install the peep/ paper tune, and maybe bareshaft tune before you walk out the door. IMO you're about 6 months behind on getting your bow dialed in for an archery elk hunt, time is your biggest enemy.
I wouldn't shoot the bow again until it's had new strings installed.

If you are buying a premade string at the shop then I think $220 is absurd for the install alone. They'll put the string on in minutes. However, it's the "tuning" that you are likely paying for. I'd make certain what their definition of "tuning" is.

The bow will kill elk any day of the week once it's safe to shoot.
Takes a little longer than a few minutes to put strings and cables on. That is, unless you are actually just putting them on and that’s it. It takes more than a few minutes to properly tie in a peep sight.

I worked at a bow shop for 10 years and installed thousands of strings and cables. Done properly, it takes 30-45 min at minimum, which includes tying in your peep, putting on new D-loop, tying in drop away rest (if that’s what they have). If you add a good “tune” then you are looking at an hour minimum.

Last set of strings and cables I had put on my bow cost $180. That was 2 years ago.
As mentioned, your bow could be just fine. $220 later it may just be like it used to be. If you think you're going to be enjoying elk hunting or archery more in the years to come, spend the money on a new bow. I can tell you that the new bows from the last 5 years are just much better then the bows from 20 years ago.

Up to you.

And if you aren't sure what to get, go to the shop and shoot them all. Then decide.

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I called a shop in phoenix and they said it would be $220 for a new string and tune the bow. Is this to much? $100-$125 was mentioned. Any recommendations on a string for an older bow and how do I find out what size string I need or is it brand and model specific? Can I buy a sting a put this on myself? How much of the tuning is something I can't do.
A custom string/cable set for a single cam bow would be around $100 if you ordered it yourself, but you would need a bow press to install it. $220 isn't unreasonable for a new set purchased through a bow shop with installation and tuning included. If you're purchasing through a bow shop, I would just let them use their recommended/preferred string builder. They can figure out the appropriate string/cable lengths given the make and model of your bow. The only other input they might ask for is your preferred string colors.

You could tune by moving the rest and d-loop without a press, but yoke tuning (adjusting the amount of lean in the idler wheel) would require a press. Probably best to have the shop do the tuning for you, although you need to be the one actually shooting the bow as they make the adjustments.
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Thanks so much all for the help. Really blown away by the support. Thank you. I have a string coming and a shop that will put it on and tune it when it comes. I will keep you guys posted with my success and the improvements made, they said it will take 7-10 days.
I wouldn't shoot the bow again until it's had new strings installed.

If you are buying a premade string at the shop then I think $220 is absurd for the install alone. They'll put the string on in minutes. However, it's the "tuning" that you are likely paying for. I'd make certain what their definition of "tuning" is.

The bow will kill elk any day of the week once it's safe to shoot.

For that price they better paper tune the bow to a bullet hole and fit you with the proper peep location etc.
Not outrageous but a bit steep as far as price goes. A single cam string and cable install with the bow in spec would take me 10 minutes, a few minutes to tie a loop and peep, eazy peezy!

Now If they take some time and get the bow tuned with you doing the shooting then that is well worth it, no one can tune your bow without you shooting it.

If that bow is 59lb with maxed out limb bolts something is way out of whack!

If you were local I would set that thing up for you, good luck with it and make sure you deal with a quality shop!