Old Pyrodex


Nov 2, 2019
How old is too old for pyrodex? I have some the is about 30 yrs old and I’m wondering if it is still good? I have a TC Newenglander that I rarely use. The last few times out (3x in 5 years) I could have had deer, but I had a couple misfires. I keep the gun clean, the powder is kept sealed up tight, but I’m thinking it may just be too old or somehow got some moisture. I’m just going to grab some more and try, but wanted some opinions.
If you have had that many misfires, something is wrong and I would bet its your powder if its that old. Toss it in the trash and get some new stuff.
I literally came to the muzzleloader forum to ask this same question. A friend gave me his dads old gun and I have thought about just bringing it to the range.

Old t/c renegade, I shot it years ago and it drives tacks!

Maybe just measure a load of powder and see if it fires without a ball?
Way too many variables to consider. If you live in a humid climate, and didn't have it sealed, it isn't good 12 months old imo. If it's sealed, it is good for many years. If you live in a dry climate and it's sealed, maybe it would be good 30 years later... maybe.

It's cheap and we only get so many opportunities so I buy new yearly. Why take a chance when insurance is so cheap?
Traded some off to a buddy a few years ago as I am strictly a BP shooter in my MLs now. All of 30 yrs old. He had no problem with it.
So far no issues but I don’t shoot much so my pyrodex gets older every year but most is sealed. All was bought cheap so not worried either way.