Old Iowa buck down!

Jan 29, 2013
Tuesday called for wind out of the East all day- with it being November 7th it was a perfect time for me to push down to the river frontage!
The property has a river as it’s Westernmost border so my wind would be perfect to catch any cruising bucks looking for does.

Took my hang on (big fan of the LWCG 1.0 stand and double step sticks) and got to the timber plenty early so I could hang in the dark.

I unfortunately kicked 3 deer while walking to the place I wanted to hunt, but as I was hoping to catch a cruiser I wasn’t too bummed out.

No headlamp this morning, didn’t want to alert any other nearby deer.

On the way to my stand location I saw two very fresh scrapes right off the walking path-perfect!

After getting my stand set & ozonics hung I was ready. About 8:05 I saw a couple does cross the river to the S of me & head to the neighbors CRP.

9 rolls by and one doe crossed the river in the same spot but coming onto the property that connects to ours-I was hoping there was a buck following but no go.

Come 10 o’clock, hadn’t had a single breath of wind come out of the East….not ideal for this location. I use a few different weather apps & they all called for wind out of the East all day!

Worried that I was going to burn my best spot I decide to pack up & move. It’s close enough to lunch time I could head into town for an early lunch and be back before noon for the afternoon sit.

After I got my bow lowered to the ground & all my stuff packed up & harness adjusted for the climb down I start my descent.

Both feet on the top of the double step, I happen to glance towards “the turnip patch” as we call it (S of my stand) and happen to see a basket 6 point walking towards me!

Dangit, I’m caught out in the open…..as he’s walking thru the old turnip patch I quickly get back into my stand & try to get my harness readjusted so it isn’t around the tree but is set as if I was going to sit.

Young buck gets to the edge of the river bank & stands there, looking back towards the patch the whole time.

In the back of my head I’m thinking there’s another deer back there & panicking because my bow is still on the ground attached to the tether & none of my stuff is setup!

Young buck decides against crossing the river & starts on the trail leading directly past my stand & towards the two scrapes (one to my right & one to my left).

As quickly as I can I get my harness readjusted while facing the tree & can hear the buck dinking around in the first scrape (16 yards away).

Trying to be as quiet as I can I slowly get turned around as the buck walks towards the other scrape (I’m still standing @ this point).

Buck doesn’t seem to notice me (good thermals played a huge part in him not spooking I think) plus I had dropped some Mrs Doe Pee in the scrape, as well as hung a scent pad deal next to me in the tree.

Eventually that buck decides he doesn’t like the Kuiu shaped thing in the tree & saunters off. I decide @ this point (10:15) that since that buck didn’t spook I may as well sit until noon as already planned, so I get my ozonics set back up, rattlers put back in their rightful place & get an arrow nocked with my bow back on the hanger.

Come 10:30 I hear a bunch of crashing following by a parade of feet to the NE of me-it’s on now!!!

I see a doe being harangued by two young basket rack bucks, they were after her step for step!

She stops @ the Y in the road, left brings her to me, right brings her down by an old food plot.

She pauses for a brief moment & decides to go right, bringing the two bucks with her.

Moments after the doe & younger bucks fled off to their right, I see more feet coming down the ridge towards me.

This time it’s a nice buck I saw Sunday morning that needed to come 15 more yards to jump the fence onto our property, followed by what I think was the 6 point that visited the scrapes just minutes prior.

Big buck is in front followed by the 6 point, apparently that buck knew the doe wasn’t ready to give it up & decided not to bother her, but was intent on checking the scrapes!!

Old guy slowly walked towards the first scrape on my left, and as he passed by some trees I got to full draw.

Some seconds go by & he’s working the scrape, lip curling & pawing at the check in station….I notice the character & neat flier/drop as well as the mass of his body & that was all it took.

I waited for a few seconds to see if he turned broadside but he was hammering that licking branch with neck extended & eyes toward the sky @ roughly 14 yards-go time!

He was facing me & just barely quartered to my left giving me a perfect opportunity for a frontal @ a buck that had no clue I existed.

Bubble is level, pin is locked on the spot & I start to squeeze…arrow is away!

Immediately I know he’s in trouble as blood sprays out immediately in the shot location.

He takes off to the S absolutely spraying as he goes, I’m positive he’s done.

Buck runs hard for 30 yards & expires on his feet, comes to rest a mere 33.4 yards (range finder verified) from my hang on!!!!!23 BT.2.jpg pic of the start of the blood trail


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