Off season for the dogs



Been focusing on water blinds , set of doubles then the blind

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Our water has went to shit. Lots of blue green algae. Hard to get ready for master tests and not cheating the water
Got up early before the heat ran an indented triple and a couple blinds. Picked it up 3,2,1 then ran blind 1 and 2 . Big ditch to the go bird he squared it and had to put a little hunt on. Front footed the other 2 the short check down bird after going long was what I was really working on he has over ran a couple of those in tests. Lined the first blind and 3 whistles for the second one.

Been over 100* quite a few days now. That hot out and I stay near the AC! Otherwise I keep a bunch of pigeons and run them on Pigeons now and then. Bird hunting anywhere near where I live is pretty bad anymore so this year I'm thinking I'll get a bunch of day old chukar chicks and use my own birds this hunting season, pretty down about the hunting around here anymore.

My old Stormy on a bird.

Stormy's son Snicker on a pigeon.

Stormy's daughter Abby on a pigeon.

Not sure if Stormy has a pigeon of chucker here but the young one's definitely have pigeons! Collar on Snicker is a tracking collar. On Abby it's an e-collar, she's still pretty young!
So you do the two marks and then a blind?
Three marks run 3,2,1 then the two blinds. I ran the blinds 1,2 so he had to go under the arc and not get caught up in the old fall area.

Some times we will practice poison birds where I no him off the mark and run a blind then pick up the marks which comes into play out hunting if you have a cripple you want the dog to go get and run past the dead birds. I also work on primary and secondary selection with marks but that is getting really in the weeds and watched some heated arguments between guys who know way more than me about it. It really depends on the factors in the field and what bird placement I have with that wind. I have watched guys who know how to place birds throw 40 yard marks and all age dogs have to work the bird out.

A lot of times it’s either easy to get to hard to find or hard to get to and easy to find.

That set up is way more than an hrc finished test.

If you can run a pretty simple triple longest mark would be 150ish and a 100 yard blind you can get your hunting retriever champion title. I watched a wirehair get his a month ago. He also runs all age pointing dog stuff and does good he is a dang nice dog.
Got some pointing work in and worked on steady to wing and shot. He got a little too excited on the second bird so I put the check cord back on him. No issues after that.

Finished up with some blind searches / hunting dead using an orange bumper with a couple quail wings zip tied to it.


Had an experience last night. Took the little dog and my dog out before bed and i kind of live on the edge of town with it being a little town of 3000 so pretty much country. We hear coyotes quite often so they are around and no shortage of stray cats for them to eat we have a problem with getting in the dumpster.

About half way down the drive way right beside the house I see my dogs hair stand up on his back and im thinking he smells a cat. Well before i say anything he is off in the darkness I see a flash of gray and o shit its a coyote. Little dog says hell with this he runs back in the garage. Recall... Banks gave me the double middle fingers. My whistle was in the garage right there so grabbed that quick then i hear the fight commence i cant see anything and banks is anything but a fighter I am expecting the worse. This is all going down just out of the reach of the house lights maybe 50 yards out the front door cloudy no moon could not see any thing. So i start blowing the whistle and running out there with a 2x4 (first thing i could grab) and he comes trotting back. I check him all over and not a mark so i think he was on the giving end. I thought it was going to be a vet visit forsure

That coyote decided to sit out there and try and lure him back out yiping and Banks sat hair standing from tail to head on his back straight up. I put him up went and got head lamp and rifle but by the time i got back out it was gone. Time for the thermal and some sub sonics.
Ran a nice little q set up today. Had to handle on the go bird which was mark 3 he did not see it need some better noise makers part of the challenge of training by your self. The field was scattered hay bales so made it challenging to mark. Picked the other two up nicely . Ran good initial lines to the blinds and handled good .
