Off season for the dogs



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It’s been a rough couple of weeks but it think we are turning a corner. I made a mistake and added too much complexity while Charli was still learning blinds. She lost confidence so we backed up.

Things were going pretty well, then last week she decided she wasn’t going to hold the water bottle I put in her mouth. After a lot of pressure, a lot of yelping, and a lot of swearing under my breath, we finally ended the night with a win where she picked up the bottle and brought it to me.

This week we have just been doing walkout blinds, but she is really crushing it. Tonight she ran a pile at 130 yards on a walkout, then did a couple of 70-80 yard duck drags.

I did have to convince her we are still friends, but she seems to have regained her confidence and is working hard.
It’s been a rough couple of weeks but it think we are turning a corner. I made a mistake and added too much complexity while Charli was still learning blinds. She lost confidence so we backed up.

Things were going pretty well, then last week she decided she wasn’t going to hold the water bottle I put in her mouth. After a lot of pressure, a lot of yelping, and a lot of swearing under my breath, we finally ended the night with a win where she picked up the bottle and brought it to me.

This week we have just been doing walkout blinds, but she is really crushing it. Tonight she ran a pile at 130 yards on a walkout, then did a couple of 70-80 yard duck drags.

I did have to convince her we are still friends, but she seems to have regained her confidence and is working hard.

Your posts about your dogs and their training are seriously humbling man. I literally didn't think it was possible to hunt western big game with your dog at your side, until I saw a post of yours awhile back. Any books or youtube channels you might recommend? My lab's 1yo, hunting waterfowl and upland birds with her.
Going to run a hrc finished test up in Bismark this weekend and then a akc master in minot next weekend. Should have a double master the next weekend but a family reunion was scheduled out in the black hills. Guess we will train out there some nice grounds.
Your posts about your dogs and their training are seriously humbling man. I literally didn't think it was possible to hunt western big game with your dog at your side, until I saw a post of yours awhile back. Any books or youtube channels you might recommend? My lab's 1yo, hunting waterfowl and upland birds with her.
Thank you. I don’t really consider myself a great dog trainer. This current pup is pushing me way outside of my comfort zone, but she has so much potential waiting to be developed.

I don’t use YouTube much at all for training. The only books I’ve used have been SmartFetch and Don’t Shoot the Dog. The rest has just been the network of friends I’ve developed who are breeders, judges, and a few professional trainers.
Another good day.

We started with a walkout pile at about 130-140 yards. She ran these really hard.

Next I did a duck drag out to about 80 yards, wind at her back. She has a great nose and easily nailed this. Very nice retrieve, sat and delivered.

Then we did a ladder that I placed without her seeing it. I brought her out and let her see me place a bumper at the start of it. She ran confidently out to the farthest one at 120ish.

Finished up with a pattern T. There was one pile she couldn’t see because of the grass height. BUT, she trusted me enough to follow that mark, albeit hesitantly, and found the bumpers. This was the biggest win of the day. She’s been reluctant to trust my mark over what she thinks she sees. Huge win for the day…

Got some unplanned training on Saturday, was walking around the park with my wife when Cedar gets excited and dives into the bushes. I’m thinking squirrels but all the sudden she pops out with a tennis ball, then another, and another until we ended up with 7.

On her last trip in she ended up with a bunch of little burrs on her head, chest and legs so we took her home to brush her out. They were actually easier to get out than expected however I will definitely need to get her trimmed before hunting season.

Birch seemed to want to work some pigeons tonight but we just did boring bumper work instead.

Worked on blinds out to 115 yds stopping him on the whistle out to about 90 yds. Finished with some casting on a few T drills.

I put a lot of pressure on him this time last year training for the VGP and all the different aspects that involves. It’s nice to just be concentrating on retrieving and pointing now and everything just seems to be clicking for him.

Nice to see the action in this thread. I've been pursuing some wrist and shoulder issues in my older dog and the little ones developed a limp himself so we're taking it easy for a few days.

Training has been fun. Young dog should be ready to rock come September and I have high expectations.

6 months and 7 years.


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My male Vizsla needed a break from training but we are going to gradually get back into it.
I think we are breaking past the confidence issues. Did some of the normal drills today, and then put a blind pile out at 100 ish yards. Brought Charli out, put her in a down stay, then walked out about 60-65 and dropped a bumper.

Sent her on the one she saw, then sent her again for the blind pile. She ran it no problem and was relaxed and searching as she ran. It was great to watch. I’m hopeful we’ll soon be able to transition to full blinds.

I think we are breaking past the confidence issues. Did some of the normal drills today, and then put a blind pile out at 100 ish yards. Brought Charli out, put her in a down stay, then walked out about 60-65 and dropped a bumper.

Sent her on the one she saw, then sent her again for the blind pile. She ran it no problem and was relaxed and searching as she ran. It was great to watch. I’m hopeful we’ll soon be able to transition to full blinds.

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I don’t know what distance you’re wanting to go but we use white posts with a white garbage bag on them for pattern blinds to build confidence. Helps me see where they need to go to. Then transition to orange posts on cold blinds.
I've been following this thread for a little bit now and am wondering if folks here are following a training plan or just picking drills where the dogs need improvement?

I have a new pup coming at the end of July and have a couple pointing specific books that I've begun reading, but am curious as to how you all develop training plans for your dogs.
I've been following this thread for a little bit now and am wondering if folks here are following a training plan or just picking drills where the dogs need improvement?

I have a new pup coming at the end of July and have a couple pointing specific books that I've begun reading, but am curious as to how you all develop training plans for your dogs.
Yep find a program that is proven and follow it. Dont skip steps have an idea of what you are wanting to accomplish when picking the program. Find a training group or a pro as you will dig holes and having some one who can help you get out of the hole is huge. Dog games are a great way to meet people and learn fair warning its addicting
I've been following this thread for a little bit now and am wondering if folks here are following a training plan or just picking drills where the dogs need improvement?

I have a new pup coming at the end of July and have a couple pointing specific books that I've begun reading, but am curious as to how you all develop training plans for your dogs.

What are you using it for ? Upland , waterfowl or both ?

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I have a new pup coming at the end of July and have a couple pointing specific books that I've begun reading, but am curious as to how you all develop training plans for your dogs.
Year 1 - socializing, introduce them to tracking, birds, develop point, obedience.

Year 2 - obedience, force fetch, drags, tracking, search patterns in heavier cover, duck searches, begin working on steadiness

Year 3 - obedience, blood tracking, duck searches, heavy cover hunting, steady to wing and shot

Year 4 - enjoy your dog.

Year 5 - enjoy your dog

Year 6 - add a new puppy