NY Times article on land access


Apr 2, 2019
No wonder people are suspicious of BHA with the face of your organization dropping quotes like that to the Times.

“Many hunters are irresponsible, and they’ve got these big, high-powered rifles that people don’t want by their grandmother’s house.”

Thanks for the representation, buddy.

No, it just shows BHA for what they really are. An environmental group, wrapped in camo, with a message to attract hipsters.

This is an issue driven by hunters. And small subset of an ever shrinking percent of the population at that. It's not hikers, mountain bikers, x-countryy skiers, etc. As much as it sucks, this is an issue that is not going to be resolved now or in the short term future, The first time an easement is forced, it will end up in court. State, the federal, then SCOTUS. Maybe it gets kicked back to lower courts. And who is going to fund the fight? BHA? Crack me the hell up? I couldn't even get PA's chapter off their asses when it was proposed to change a National Recreation area to a National Park. National Park means no hunting. ~70,000 acres was threatened. Locals hopefully killed it, but there was zero effort from BHA.

I'm a fan of access to public property. I'm a bigger fan of property rights. I hear demands for seizing easements and ROW's for access via ED. Well, ED is for the greater public good. Hunters wanting access to land locked ground doesn't fit the bill. Also, the precedent set may have unseen ramifications to private property rights. One of those careful what you wish for, you might get it.

Just a side note... the 1100 acre farm I hunted (past tense) was acquired ny PA's DCNR in September for a state park. In less than a month the public access points were trashed, gates destroyed, folks driving where they shouldn't.... Ya I get why landowners are opposed.


Dec 6, 2015
As long as these guys are in the fight i will continue to give.
**** these private landowners and whining about their land values is hilarious to me, no gives a shit about their values its on them if they didn’t have the foresight to see this was coming one day. Violating someone’s airspace has to be the most laughable argument ever, hard to fathom how a court can even keep a straight face hearing it out.
Aug 26, 2019
Just over the saddle
The airspace over a corner argument is so weak. Maybe some WY locals can chime in but my experience out there is that most of the long time residents don't love the out of state owners that showed up around there. I heard it more than once that a lot of people lost friendly access that they'd had for generations before the pill pushers moved in with their fancy planes and trick money.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
At least it is getting press.

Maybe after a while it will get a friendly politician who isn't afraid to make some ripples.

Maybe after that, something will be determined once and for all - is it legal or not. You'd think you could get some formal answers from the state agencies.

5 yrs ago LEO told me it wasn't. Not afraid to discuss it cause the guy who has/had the authority to arrest and ticket said nope and the guys on the internet who say he is wrong, the true answer is yes. More folks would do it if the true answer was yes.