NXS 5.5-22x50 vs ATACR 4-16x50 MOAR F2


Feb 8, 2022
Well, after having a Leupold VX5 lose zero last year and returning a Trijicon Tenmile (wasn’t a fan of the reticle), I believe I am just going to pick up a Nightforce with a MOAR reticle for my primary hunting rig (Defiance Ruckus GA Hunter LA, 300 win). With that being said, I am trying to decide between the NXS 5.5-22x50 and ATACR 4-16x50 MOAR F2 as I do want the MOAR in SFP, but I am unsure if the price jump up to the ATACR is really worth it. I have owned a SHV previously and was happy with it, however none of my local haunts have the NXS or ATACR’s in stock to compare and am wondering what I would really gain with the ATACR. I also considered the NX8 but will pass on these due to reticle options in SFP. And before anyone chimes in, yes I have searched the forum for this very topic.
Will the lower end magnification 4 vs 5.5 make a difference for you?

Will the higher end magnification 22 vs 16 make a difference to you?

Nearest shot? Farthest shot?
Will the lower end magnification 4 vs 5.5 make a difference for you?

Will the higher end magnification 22 vs 16 make a difference to you?

Nearest shot? Farthest shot?
This is going to be solely a replacement for my current elk and mule deer rig so realistically all shots taken will be within 800yds. However, not everything is open country so dark timber is a consideration. It is also the reason why 16x on the high end should be plenty in my opinion. The low end difference is marginal
This is going to be solely a replacement for my current elk and mule deer rig so realistically all shots taken will be within 800yds. However, not everything is open country so dark timber is a consideration. It is also the reason why 16x on the high end should be plenty in my opinion. The low end difference is marginal
If dark timber is involved then the 4-16 would be my pick simply because of the slightly better glass. I’m not sure an NX8 in 2.5-20 wouldn’t be the best bet for what your describing because of the low end mag, although you have ruled that out.
If dark timber is involved then the 4-16 would be my pick simply because of the slightly better glass. I’m not sure an NX8 in 2.5-20 wouldn’t be the best bet for what your describing because of the low end mag, although you have ruled that out.
The issue with the NX8 is purely due to the lack of reticle choices being too thin. Additionally, the NX8 2.5-20 is too short bodied to mount on my application
I am trying to decide between these exact 2 scopes for my new rifle, which one did you end up going with ?
I am trying to decide between these exact 2 scopes for my new rifle, which one did you end up going with ?
Ended up going with the NXS instead of the ATACR due to weight. The ATACR has quite a bit of heft to it and this rifle was strictly for backpack hunting. While both are bomb proof, I absolute hate the illumination setting on the NXS along with the ocular lens that moves with both the scopes when increasing the magnification. It makes running flip up covers a royal pain in the ass. It’s one reason why I wanted to love the NX8 but the reticle options are not geared towards hunting
I know this was an older thread, so thanks for the response ! What caliber was your rifle, long , short, Magnum Action ? Did you end up using a rail or direct mount rings ? my new rifle is a 300 PRC , so I was wondering if you needed to use a rail to get proper eye relief, or if the NXS gave you enough room to just use rings and bases.
I am running this on a Defiance Ruckus GA Hunter long action in 300WM, with medium height rings and proof sendero light barrel. The action has milled in pic rail and this set up allows for a lot of adjustment with eye relief
I had my 4-16 ATACR out to 1660 over the weekend, no issues shooting 18” targets. I have no experience with that particular NXS (I’ve only used the 3-15 and 1-4), but the ATACR is superior to the NXS I’ve used. Parralax is really forgiving, glass is great, if you ordered it in Mil-C or The new Christmas tree reticle you’d be way ahead of any NXS.
Thanks, I think that is the way I am leaning, according to NF, the ATACR is only 2oz heavier. I just wish it came in a 30 mm tube as opposed to the 34 !