Nss action wrench?

Handle goes on top of action, bottom piece gets flipped over so it is flat against the bottom of the action.
I tried that but it’s a tika it’s flat on basically every side. I can reverse top cap and put handle on bottom of action but the supplied bolts aren’t long enough. That is the only orientation that will work as far as I can see. He says it works so it wouldn’t make sense that I would have to swap bolts out when they sell it for a Tika.
I tried that but it’s a tika it’s flat on basically every side. I can reverse top cap and put handle on bottom of action but the supplied bolts aren’t long enough. That is the only orientation that will work as far as I can see. He says it works so it wouldn’t make sense that I would have to swap bolts out when they sell it for a Tika.
The bolts are too short with only the bottom piece flipped over?
The bolts are too short with only the bottom piece flipped over?
Yeah man by a half inch if I put cap flat side down on top of action and put bottom of action in handle side right over the front action screw which is the only round part of the action. I can post a pic tomorrow after I get outta the stand. I have to be screwing something up but I swear I have tried every combo I can think of!
Yeah man by a half inch if I put cap flat side down on top of action and put bottom of action in handle side right over the front action screw which is the only round part of the action. I can post a pic tomorrow after I get outta the stand. I have to be screwing something up but I swear I have tried every combo I can think of!

Obviously I'm not there fiddling with it. I don't think that it needs anymore than the bottom being flat to flat.
Ok so James got back to me, I was right I have to flip the top cap over and he says to get longer bolts so I can use it oriented that way. Kinda sucks that it doesn’t just come with the appropriate size bolts to use it on a Tika. It’s only 5 bucks in parts but it’s the principle of the matter for me. If you sell something that you say should work, your customer shouldn’t have to go buy extra parts to make it work!
It’s more along the lines of it will work in a pinch if you don’t want a specific wrench.