Says the guy yelling at the NRA about public land when the top 18 states via hunting license holders have very limited Public land. So ya your agruement is a little pointed.
How many hunters does Cali have for there 35 million in public land? 300k compared to Montana 483k. Cali has a lot more public land then Montana. Why less hunters?
Texas has over a Million hunters yet only 1.5 million acres of public land vs Montana's 30 million. Explain that? Even if you double the size of Montana and the amount of people public land and hunting licenses then you are looking at 60 million acres of public with still less hunters then TX? How is that possible via your agruement?
Alaska has 271 million acres of to hunt yet only 106k licenses.
So tell me again what you think the majority of the 14million hunting licensed hunters feel is more of a doom for hunting... public land or gun laws.
Again like I said earlier I'm not trying to discount the public land situation. Losing our public land would be like losing the corner stone of our hunting heritage.
Your agruement shouldn't be pissing on the NRA like it currently is, it's should be how can the NRA work to educate the 8 plus million hunters that don't hunt public land on how loosing the people's land would cause us to loose a huge voice in congress. A voice that is solidified via a high hunting population percentage in western states.
I'm sure you will call this troll post also, ironically it mirrors my first post on this thread ...: roll eyes...
The NRA's approach in this is not about protecting gun rights but "help us expose the evils of the animal rights movement". Has zero to due with gun rights.
It makes no sense to target public lands as what you've already pointed out. They want money, targeting states that are a small portion of their pie makes no sense.
It would be nice if the NRA exposed people to proper wildlife management, the SCIENCE behind it, and how it really works. But from their TV spots, it looks like they are just going to shit talk anyone who doesn't agree with them.
I don't live on the east coast, and I've rarely visited, so I have no idea if there is a routine assault on peoples privileges related to hunting.
In my experience the NRA does a poor job of convincing people who are on the fence about a subject to side with them. It's easy to get a gun owner and hunter to agree guns are great. It's not easy to convince a person who has never hunted, who has never taken an animals life that it's actually beneficial for all parties involved. It's even more difficult to explain how someone who willingly kills something appreciates and loves that species more then animal rights groups can comprehend.
Unfortunately hunting restrictions or bans on methods won't go to the Supreme Court, they don't have a constitution(some states do now) to fall back on for protection, it's not a right given to us by the founding fathers.
This battle will be won or lost in the court of public opinion, and in that realm the NRA turns ALOT of people off that don't already side with them.
I don't really care what the NRA does regarding this along as they don't make us look bad. But they are not going to be the white knight who rides in and saves us all.
Another thing that I wonder, are these monies collected going to be held separately from gun donations? Are they going to be use solely for hunter benefit? Or is it just going to add to the pot?
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