NRA Warns Hunters to Prepare for War

NRA has been selling the boogie man for years. I don't believe Wayne LaPierre owned so much as a staple gun before he came on board. They're loosing money because Trump's in office, racks are full of guns, and shelves are full of ammo.

Had an ILA fellow come to a board meeting my shooting club.

Dumb, meet Dumber...

Thank god the BOOGIE WOMAN didnt win!
Massachusetts: no new sales of AR's or other "Assault Rifles". Many semi auto pistols not legal. Right to own or carry any firearm is at the discretion of your local police chief. Very strict rules regarding storage, limitations on the amount of ammo, powder or primers you can own/store at one time, and the list goes on...

WOW!!!!! What a joke, that wouldn't fly in most southern states, i'm afraid there would be another blue vs gray if things ever started getting that bad nation wide, or in this day and time blue vs red, when Obama was pushing hard i remember a sheriff on the news in a western state saying he wouldn't go into homes and get peoples guns no matter what the laws state, and thats all it will take im afraid, law men finally turning against the laws they know they shouldnt uphold, pretty sure that sheriff wont ever have to worry about his job come election time, and a police chiefs decision on who gets to carry and who doesnt, yea.......... most southern city council members would laugh at that.
I'm seeing that some of our members here are the apathetic type; 'it doesn't affect me, 30rd mags are ridiculous, I'm outraged by this fear mongering......

Come on fellas, wake up. Take a look at the 2 left coasts. You're next.

Instead of bashing the NRA - the most powerful pro gun/hunting lobby - how about you join, then call and let them know PLT is a big issue for you, their supporter. If they go a little overboard on their advertising, call and let them know, as a member. I can guarantee you they don't give a damn about the opinions of non-members. I can also guarantee you no other group can have the affect they can and do when they put their weight behind and issue.
I agree with 5MB - I live in Massachusetts and if you as a gun owner don't have issues with their gun laws - then I think your head is in the sand...

First it is a "may issue" state, not a "shall issue" state. .....
Good post Brendan....seems some folks are either ignorant as to what i happening....or they fall prey to the antis "Why does anyone need to own a gun anyway?" type thinking.

One thing is for sure, those folks have never had to stare down the barrel of a gun pointed at them or been subjected to a home invasion, etc. Which will become MORE prevalent if they had their way....
They seem to forget all of the held at gunpoint carjackings in Florida of rental cars....why those....its because they were visitors that would not have a CCW- they were known to be unarmed.

They used to be able to point to Australia as the prefect world after they took away the good guys guns...but now the latest stats are proving the no guns crowd sorely wrong.

It sure would be nice to live in a state of perpetual unawareness- rainbows and unicorns....totally ignoring the facts. Some facts of life here that you never see in a Mass or SF newspaper;
Thank god the BOOGIE WOMAN didnt win!

It wouldn't be any different. NRA would easily be collecting money. Either way net gain zero on both sides. Sometimes it goes and little left, some times a little right.

Gridlock and worthless politicians on both sides is what keeps the course.

Tit for tat, spy vs spy, scratch mine and I'll scratch yours, yadda, yadda....

NRA loves the insurance business.
I should have wrote "I have no problem with MOST of MA's laws." Some, such as the ability of the police chief to not issue a licenses is ridiculous. However, if you dont like what these people are doing, dont elect them. if they are appointed officials, don't elect the people appointing them.

As for all of this "taking away rights" talk, what are you talking about? It has been ruled that 2A can have restrictions. If you are complaining that you don't have the right to buy every gun ever made, or that you locking up your firearms at home is overly strict, then we simply have differing opinions.

Beendare - I wouldnt say i live in perpetual unawareness. If you would like me to cherry pick facts from certain states and countries to make it seem like this debate is completely one sided so I can say you are ignorant as to what is happening, let me know. We can all find facts to support our cases...
Back when I had very little money I still chose to support the NRA, but to my frustration they spent every dime of what I DONATED in postage,printing and phone calls asking me to do more.
It wouldn't be any different. NRA would easily be collecting money. Either way net gain zero on both sides. Sometimes it goes and little left, some times a little right.

Gridlock and worthless politicians on both sides is what keeps the course.

Tit for tat, spy vs spy, scratch mine and I'll scratch yours, yadda, yadda....

NRA loves the insurance business.

oooohhhhh yes it would be different, or it would be a little worse than the last 8 years with Obama! have you not noticed the buy all the guns you can craze has slowed down? have you not noticed ammunition especially certain calibers are easier to get here lately? even the price of ammunition is slowly starting to drop? that's because trump has eased the worry of gun control, when Obama was threatening all that crap he made gun and ammo manufactures practically rich over night, 22 ammo was impossible around my house to get ahold of and when you could get it was marked up 90% over night, people standing in line every Thursday morning at Wal-Mart buying up all 22 cal, and only 3 boxes of any kind of ammo at a time!! and your a member of a gun club??????? and Hillary threatened to do worse!! your gun club should throw you out of it! I'm a member of one also and proudly from the state of Kentucky and we are one of the strongest states in this country against gun control, i'll try to stop it right there before they kick me off this site, if you cant tell their is already a mood change amongst gun owners you really need to wake up! i'll keep sending the NRA my $40. Who else is gonna fight for us in Washington? YOU!???
oooohhhhh yes it would be different, or it would be a little worse than the last 8 years with Obama! have you not noticed the buy all the guns you can craze has slowed down? have you not noticed ammunition especially certain calibers are easier to get here lately? even the price of ammunition is slowly starting to drop? that's because trump has eased the worry of gun control, when Obama was threatening all that crap he made gun and ammo manufactures practically rich over night, 22 ammo was impossible around my house to get ahold of and when you could get it was marked up 90% over night, people standing in line every Thursday morning at Wal-Mart buying up all 22 cal, and only 3 boxes of any kind of ammo at a time!! and your a member of a gun club??????? and Hillary threatened to do worse!! your gun club should throw you out of it! I'm a member of one also and proudly from the state of Kentucky and we are one of the strongest states in this country against gun control, i'll try to stop it right there before they kick me off this site, if you cant tell their is already a mood change amongst gun owners you really need to wake up! i'll keep sending the NRA my $40. Who else is gonna fight for us in Washington? YOU!???

Holy shit that's the funniest thing I've ever read. Did you buy into the Redneck 401k 22 LR Fund as well?

$40. That's all it takes. And for $0.39 Juan can have the 3 meals a day he's in desperate need for. That's merely a cup of coffee.
WOW!!!!! What a joke, that wouldn't fly in most southern states, i'm afraid there would be another blue vs gray if things ever started getting that bad nation wide, or in this day and time blue vs red, when Obama was pushing hard i remember a sheriff on the news in a western state saying he wouldn't go into homes and get peoples guns no matter what the laws state, and thats all it will take im afraid, law men finally turning against the laws they know they shouldnt uphold, pretty sure that sheriff wont ever have to worry about his job come election time, and a police chiefs decision on who gets to carry and who doesnt, yea.......... most southern city council members would laugh at that.

As a retired LEO I can tell you I don't know a single cop who is going to, or dumb enough to, knock on doors confiscating guns. Why do you think the last adminisrtation signed the "treaty" with the UN about "arms control" ? Most likely because they know our military isn't going to try and disarm us either. I believe I read once that the hunters in the State of Pennsylvania alone could constitute one of the 8th largest armies in the world ? Sorry I don't have a source for that but I believe it is most likely accurate. The Northeast United States is consumed by politics and politicians who have sold us out and their souls for job security and $$.
Holy shit that's the funniest thing I've ever read. Did you buy into the Redneck 401k 22 LR Fund as well?

$40. That's all it takes. And for $0.39 Juan can have the 3 meals a day he's in desperate need for. That's merely a cup of coffee.

HE77 yes!! some of my redneck portfolio investments
redneck 40
redneck- in every shotgun gauge
Oh did I mention I have a redneck cannon that's shoots beer cans full of concrete completely out of sight
redneck-50cal BP
redneck-58cal BP
redneck-54cal BP
lots of other redneck BP cal
almost forgot member of the redneck yacht club
and believe it or not my family has sent money to juan, that wasn't his name but it was sent to him he may not have gotten it but it was sent.
As a retired LEO I can tell you I don't know a single cop who is going to, or dumb enough to, knock on doors confiscating guns. Why do you think the last adminisrtation signed the "treaty" with the UN about "arms control" ? Most likely because they know our military isn't going to try and disarm us either. I believe I read once that the hunters in the State of Pennsylvania alone could constitute one of the 8th largest armies in the world ? Sorry I don't have a source for that but I believe it is most likely accurate. The Northeast United States is consumed by politics and politicians who have sold us out and their souls for job security and $$.

Its good to know some of you guys up north are on the same page, I think yall proved that in the election weather your state voted for trump or not but I think even the die hard Dems voted against her because they were sick of always hearing threats over the firearms they own, hope you guys up north can get some politicians that can see it your way, I think some are stupid enough to try to force LEO into those homes your talking about, that would be bad.
I'm not too sure my head is in the sand...i live in Massachusetts so using that state as an example of me being uninformed isnt going to get you far. I have no problem with their gun laws. I have all the guns I need to hunt, and for protection. While I dont necessarily agree with all of their laws, I believe it is a far better way than other states out there.

The problem is you don't appear to respect the viewpoint of others with different experiences. You are OK with draconian gun laws, so they must be OK. You don't seem to spend much brainwidth trying to understand why others have issues with the way things are in MA. I could make three times as much money there but would never move there. Your problem isn't being informed about the way things are in restrictive states, but the reason people have problems with accepting those laws spreading.

Twenty years from now, do you think MA will give back more gun rights or continue to take more?

In the free states we wish the government would spend more time worrying about what criminals are doing, and less time criminalizing the activities and property of law-abiding citizens, since criminals have little concern for laws.

I hate the constant fearmongering of the NRA. But they are the best game in town to prevent CA, NY, and MA from spreading to middle America.
Would anyone happen to have a link to the source(s) of where these fears of indiscriminate firearm confiscation in the US come from?
Its good to know some of you guys up north are on the same page, I think yall proved that in the election weather your state voted for trump or not but I think even the die hard Dems voted against her because they were sick of always hearing threats over the firearms they own, hope you guys up north can get some politicians that can see it your way, I think some are stupid enough to try to force LEO into those homes your talking about, that would be bad.

It's the City and Suburban areas that vote Democrat so they can keep getting free rent,food,phones,school tuition, $$ and they will keep electing those who give them what they want..99 % of the rest of us think "she" should be in Jail... we know what and "arkansas suicide " is too ;)
You are OK with draconian gun laws, so they must be OK. You don't seem to spend much brainwidth trying to understand why others have issues with the way things are in MA.

Twenty years from now, do you think MA will give back more gun rights or continue to take more?

In the free states we wish the government would spend more time worrying about what criminals are doing, and less time criminalizing the activities and property of law-abiding citizens, since criminals have little concern for laws.

You say I dont spend much brainwidth trying to understand the other side of the argument. I posted my comments and continued to monitor this page so I could see what others had to say. I may not agree but I'm always interested in what others have to say, especially about this topic. It's hard to find others who I can have a legitimate conversation about this, especially in this very liberal state, but also with hunters who are often on the completed end of the spectrum. If i wanted to here from others who agree with me, I wouldn't have posted on this site. I'm not looking to piss people off, I genuinely want to know why people see the other way.

As far as 20 years from now, I understand the concern. I believe the saying is death by a thousand cuts. We probably won't get back what has been taken away, but I'm ok with what has been restricted. Just like my freedom of speech doesn't allow me to say whatever i want without consequences, I understand my right to bear arms wont allow me to buy whatever i want. As far as hunting, I dont see how that negatively affects me. or if i want a 9mm, should i get that upset about only being able to pick from 100 legal ones vs 1000 legal ones...idk.

As far as your last paragraph, I agree.