Now that season is over..What are you doing to prepare for next season


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
So now that deer season is over. What kind of things are you all doing to prepare for next season?
Food Plots, Stand Setups etc?
Oh yeah, moving some stands while it is cool, slithery ones are still not very active, not 90-95 and 100% humidity.

Working on shooting houses.

Summer plots.

Shooting the bolt .22 and main gun(s) from different positions every couple weeks. Shooting technique, if performed properly, needs to be practices, much like cranking the boat motor(s), lawn mower and weed eater every couple weeks to keep the battery charged and things in check.

Shooting self-thrown trap.

Running a few mags through the cc. every couple weeks while out with the long guns.

Killing a few hogs for fun --- dog gone can't eradicate them.
Putting in some clover to a couple food plots that need some love, hopefully to come up for turkey season.
Supplemental feeding till Turkey season comes in. My uncle has picked up 4, 450 lb gravity feeders to help rotate some of the older feeders out of commission.

Trying to find a 6-9 foot roller crimper in GA or AL to go more green prior to summer food plot planting. Having a hard time finding one. Can order one for $5k, but shipping is near $10k from what I've seen.
Plowing a lot of snow!
Including plowing out to a couple of targets. Lots of shooting. Talking with the farmer that leases my land to help him to decide to plant soybeans.
I have been doing side hustles to fund my new rifle setups. I need to start shifting more of my time into getting in shape. Thankfully spring turkey and bear season will be here before I know it.