Nosler 150 BT for 7mm-08


Oct 15, 2020
I know 140 grn bt is common choice for 7mm-08 but just wondering if folks have tried 150 bt's and their impact on elk or rather what kinda performance they give. I have some 150 bt's, and thinking of loading for my son's 7mm-08 .

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Generally speaking a heavy for caliber bullet is better on Elk size and larger game. Not to mention, they buck the wind better and have better BC's. But I have no direct experience with 7mm-08, so take that advice as anecdotal.
Ballistic tips have a reputation for expanding a lot. I would use an Accubond instead, hands down.
At 7mm-08 velocities that bullet should behave pretty well. Modern ballistic tips are tougher than some people give them credit for. I've recovered 165 grain ballistic tips and accubonds fired from 308s and '06s from several critters, weight retention and expansion are very similar, only way to tell them apart is the accubonds have more lead stuck to the jacket. I've never gotten a ballistic tip to explode on an animal, even at extemely short range in a 240 weatherby. I'll be running 150 BTs in my 7-08 on a cow hunt this year, can't imagine it'll be a problem. If your son is recoil sensitive the 120 BT in 7mm is a tough little bastard for it's weight.