Was thinking about doing a North Dakota DIY archery whitetail deer hunt was looking at United 2D Pembina Hills area. Just wondering if this untied is any good and what the pressure is like.
Low access points would probably mean it's tough to get on private land. It's getting that way in ND....never hunted that area, but I'm sure there is public land available to hunt. Get a ND PLOTS book, they're free from Game and Fish, it'll show all public land, and PLOTS land, which is private, but made available by landowners for public access. Also, check out ON X hunt app.... another great resource.
There is a ton of posted land in ND...There is a lot to hunt true but it is getting posted up more and more and all these shows advertising how "easy" it is, is not going to help. The last thing ND needs is waves of people coming in. These shows have about wrecked every OTC type hunt out west.After watching THP run around ND, i would like to try it. Keep in mind in ND that if it isnt posted and its private, you can hunt it without permission. There is NOT much posted land in ND, so you have nearly endless places to hunt