No more Canada for me

sucks you had a bad experience, but doing ones own homework typically pays off huge. Id love to get back to an outfitter in alberta, but have to wait for all the cv bs to go away, if it ever does. it can be such a fun and exciting experience up there, id hate to see you rule it out entirely for the future. Im sure starting a post even here, in the future, would get you lined up on some reputable outfits and reduce the initial hassle of finding a good start point. good luck in the future, id hope you try again.
I'm 99% sure this . Unless it is on a REZ which the OP states they hunted with a "Fist Nations" outfit. Fancy word for REZ

Also, to the OP. Don't rule out Canada I've been twice and know a bunch of guys that have had great trips. I also would not rule out using a booking agency there are good ones and bad ones.
Even if they are hunting on a rez non residents can't hunt mulies

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It was on the reserve.
I own lake property in this area, these guys are pretty famous for this kind of stuff.
A google search shows this area of Saskatchewan is pretty infamous for natives and fish & wildlife infractions.
Not to mention run ins with the police.
Its too bad you had a bad experience. I feel for you. Rule out Canada if you like, but I can attest not all outfitters are like this.
To be honest 5K is low end for a good mule deer hunt in Canada.
The lowest price I found was 7K in a quick search.
I think the blame should start here with Ricky Trips
This was a 2x1 price it’s usually 6k…also had no lodging or meals included for that price. I definitely can believe that the whole area is notorious for it. My dad apparently talked to references, so I thought he had it figured out.
"The whole experience was nothing remotely close to hunting, and all it is is a shooting gallery to chase antler inches..........................Anyway, after I shot my buck".
I shot it on a stalk, on my own, without the guide. Which he then wanted me to leave and let it rot after he found out.
Sorry for your bad experience. Sometimes a few bad apples out there. But surely there are better outfitters in the Sask, just more expensive.

As far as tribal attitudes for the outdoor resources go, I think of that old commercial with the tribal native crying a tear. Native tribes claim conservation, protect the resource but often a few bad apples do just the opposite.

the old adage comes up again; you get what you pay for...
as a friend always says; "money & costs...its all relative."
Up here, FNs get away basically with anything wildlife related. Almost untouchable to regular laws and regulations that 97% of the rest of us must follow. They are writing their own rules and governments won't stand up to them, that's racist you know ..... Heck even some of the new gun laws coming in by the Turdeau Government, FNs are exempt.
There are some very reputable outfits, you've been shafted.
Hate to say it but you should have done more homework.

What's even funnier, as a Canadian I've tagged almost every big game animal in Canada, but still look at hiring US guides for certain hunts.

Overall, in BC, wildlife management has sucked for 20plus years, Government puts little to nothing back into habitat and wildlife. And gives anything to FNs they want.

I think I know who the outfitter is. They had a booth beside me at a show in Michigan years ago. They had some shoulder mounts of giant bucks. The mounts were all made from sheds of bucks that were mostly still alive.

It sucks that you didn’t get the hunt you hoped for. But I’ll say this. Those guys don’t know any better or anything different. That’s normal everyday life to them. I don’t know who that agent is but he’s definitely not honest. When the outfitter talked to hunters he didn’t hide anything. They told people the truth about night hunting etc. I amazed me that even though they killed big bucks anytime anywhere they still had lots of monsters. At least you killed some nice bucks!
Try the canola fields in Alberta. Saw dozens of fields that looked like this. Got to full draw several times a day before actually releasing an arrow.

Natives can hunt anything day or night on reservations. Paying hunters can do exactly the same. There are no game hunting regulations on reserves. There is NO use complaining to game wardens about it. They have NO authority on reservations. The stories are endless; you could have googled it all.
Man that whole story just reeks of Rez hunting. I’d say more but I’d get my self in trouble .
A long long time ago I was a whiskey bent commercial fisherman one night after getting back tot he states we all decided to go party in Vancouver … I got in a big ole brawl and spent a night in the pokey . A day later they drove me to the border and told me never to come back … I’ve kept my end of the bargain on that one . I hate the place .