NM 2024-25 archery Elk Season


Feb 6, 2021
Well Guys Ol Dad did not draw a 24-25 tag. But the Son did and he is literally bouncing off the walls. He drew a 16B first archery tag.
With the total months that we studied of each of the 3 units we put in for paid off and were very fortunate to draw on his first go around.
Elk hunting is not new for the Son and I by any means But NM is.
First, I want to show my appreciation by thanking all those that responded to my constant posts about these units in general. Thank you all so much and very well appreciated. All contacts were made by messaging each individual as I hear how most do not like throwing things out over the sites. Well, appreciated.
I have an outfitter for a drop and pack out for when a call is made.
Our outfitter goes in from the cliff dwelling and we will drop in from the Cliff Dwelling then a 9-mile ride to our drop.
If anyone knows anything about the area It would be well appreciated to hear a little knowledge about the area. Water, that I was so concerned about is no longer the issue as we will pack in the water needed.
Again, I thank this site and the hunters hear that give a helping hand for those who have never hunted NM.
Thank You Mike76
Congrats on the 16B tag! As a new NM resident that unit is on my elk bucket list. I have a 16 Mule deer tag in Nov but good luck and post a picture if you guys get one!
Only information I can provide is it's steeper and thicker than you'll expect. Suggest putting the elevation exaggerator about 1/3 the way up to give you a better representation on the land profile. Cliffy and thick unless you come in from the north part of the unit. With all the fires that go through there start training for climbing over deadfall.

Besides that, when you're there and in the middle of the SUCK remember all of us that didn't draw this year are F'in jealous and would love to be in your situation.

One last things, tons of bears in that country. I'd take some spray or a sidearm if you only have a bow.
BigGame, Well compared to what we are used to its nothing as steep and rugged that we have already been in. Steep rugged and steeper by far. as far as the bears we both have side arm and will have bear spray. other than that, we are ready and excited to get this next month over so that we will be in there Hunting.
Yes, very fortunate to have drawn that tag and very excited and have studied every square in of the unit we will be in. We will be dropped and going in from the south end upriver then the climb up to the plateau. once we reach the plateau it's not too difficult of a bad hunt. We have one of the best packers in the wilderness. They just wrote me and said they are way over on rain as early as it is and looks like it will continue, and we are hoping for a wetter season than a dry one. we have the dark moon for the first week which i didn't care for if we get a wet season. but possibly the animals will stay out a little later in the morn and out earlier in the eves. Thanks so much for the reply and will take it serious and safe.
mike and son