NL pure vs EL 10x42

Before you decide I would for sure get your hands on both. I liked both but I think the Nls are to thin for my liking if I were to use for long glassing sessions. I don't own them so I could probably get used to it eventually but threw me off when first using them. Glass on the NLs is top notch and the els are no slouch either I think it comes down to budget and how comfortable they are in your hand. For those that own the Nl's did you get used to the smaller profile and if so was it a hard transition?
I’ll go against the grain here. I upgraded to 10x ELs from 10x SLCs about 3 years ago. I absolutely thought it was worth it. I still get a little irritated going from my 10x ELs to 15x SLCs on hunts (1st world problems, I know), but the difference is noticeable to me, especially if you are spending 10/12hrs behind glass a day.
I was planning on upgrading to the NLs when they came out but didn’t think there was enough difference to justify the price.
Not sure I follow you 100%. Are you saying you don't like going from 10x ELs to 15x SLCs? If so, why?
I already have EL SVs. I was thinking about upgrading to the NLs. After reading about them and looking through them I saw no reason to upgrade. Main difference is slightly wider field of view. Everything else is basically a push for me.
NL pure fits in hand much better. Easier to maneuver and use one handed IF that (when) occurs.

NL is a smaller package that gives Better results

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Not sure I follow you 100%. Are you saying you don't like going from 10x ELs to 15x SLCs? If so, why?
Correct. I like the ELs field flattening, so full view is crisp and useable where SLC is just more towards center. I feel like I’m messing with the focus a lot on the 15x comparatively. I also like the colors through the ELs, while not as bright, more real to life and a bit easier to pick animals up that blend well.

It really only bothers me on glassing intensive hunts, especially coues and mule deer hunts where you are glassing 10-12hrs a day for a week. I wish they’d come out with NL 15s, I’d be first in line. Until then, the 15 SLCs are still the best option out there and great binos.
Correct. I like the ELs field flattening, so full view is crisp and useable where SLC is just more towards center. I feel like I’m messing with the focus a lot on the 15x comparatively. I also like the colors through the ELs, while not as bright, more real to life and a bit easier to pick animals up that blend well.

It really only bothers me on glassing intensive hunts, especially coues and mule deer hunts where you are glassing 10-12hrs a day for a week. I wish they’d come out with NL 15s, I’d be first in line. Until then, the 15 SLCs are still the best option out there and great binos.

I think he was confused because this opinion is not really against the grain. Most would agree that the EL > SLC.
I have NLP 12. If I can get 10x FOV in a 12x no brainer for me.
Hand holding is not an issue for close work. TBO, I can't tell much difference between my 10x and my 12x.
Long range work and glassing sessions I use a tripod anyhow.
Same. I prefer the ELs mainly for the eye relief. FOV isn’t as big, but I always honestly couldn’t see a difference optically. I wasn’t about to lose money on EL’s and spend more money on NL’s for a very minor return. I just can’t see the difference.
I found a place that had both. They are both very very good. I liked the feel of the NL’s better as far as the ergonomics and the field of view. I couldn’t tell much difference optically really as they are both extremely good

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