Nimrod Packs?

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
I got a call last week from them.

I'll be honest, it was the first I'd heard of them, but looking at their site, pack system looks pretty good for what I do. The system allows you to add accessories and go bigger or smaller depending on what you're doing. They are willing to send me a pack system to review. Any of you have any experience with their stuff? I haven't said yes, yet... I'm so busy, I don't want to dive into something if it's already been covered or not worth reviewing.
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I haven't heard the greatest things about them. and looking at them the frame system didn't look that impressive. ive never felt inclined to try them but maybe im missing something
I would have to say I have heard the same things from littlebuf and I wouldn't waste my time if I were. I could be missing something as well, but if you are really busy I would pass on this one.
Robby, me and several of my friends have been using the Pinnacle Day Pack for years,,,these packs are bullet proof in materials, zippers etc. I dont have experience with the other packs they put out, but I can recommend the Pinnacle 4sure!
I would recommend you check them out, I believe you will be pleasantly surprised.
I have used their packs before, Its a family owned company based out of Cashmere, Washington and all the packs are made there. The quality is very good right with Kifaru and some others.

The things I licked about the pack is you can customize it to your hunting needs from a day pack to extended bivy hunts. The pack is best used for a day pack caring loads about 20 to 25 pounds very comfortable.

The things I did not like about the pack, with heavy loads it is not very comfrotable (anything over 40 pounds), not a good meat hauler. With a heavier load the belt would ride up on my stomach it did not want to stay on my hips.

I do like the pouches that they make and the camo patern that they use.

Just my 2 cents
I had the guide pack. They are one of the nicest made packs there is out there. Would be a great day pack but I did not feel they could carry weight like a kifaru by any means. If I could rig the guide bag on my Bikini frame that would be nice.
A buddy of mine has had his for like 8-9 years now and loves it. He probably spend 3 months out of the year wearing it while guiding and hunting and it has held up great.
I honestly believe it is better suited for a day pack but it is very modular. I checked it out but decided on an MR pack instead.
I am guessing some will love them while others hate them but its always good to support a family ran - made in the USA company.
I ran one of their wild land packs for a few years, in wildland world they are a middle of the road pack, definitely not bad or I wouldn't have used it season after season but it wasn't as comfy as my mystery ranch.
Bumping this up. Id like to hear more on this. The Feedback is great. Im a Prostaffer for them and the one that approached Robby. So I will leave any feedback out since it would be viewed as biased =-). But we want to hear what people say about the packs so we can adjust if need be.

Side note: A few of you nailed it when you said that these are more suited towards a day to 3 day Bivy. Thats exactly the vision that the owner Doug has for Nimrod Packs. He isnt really trying to compete with the likes of Kifaru or MR on the scale of being able to pack enough gear for 7 to 10 days. I do have one of the bags that allows you to do that its an older version that I have up for sale on Rokslide now. It is about 4000 CI.

But anymore real Customer feedback on this would be incredible.
Yes, Great Packs!

I got a call last week from them.

I'll be honest, it was the first I'd heard of them, but looking at their site, pack system looks pretty good for what I do. The system allows you to add accessories and go bigger or smaller depending on what you're doing. They are willing to send me a pack system to review. Any of you have any experience with their stuff? I haven't said yes, yet... I'm so busy, I don't want to dive into something if it's already been covered or not worth reviewing.

I have been using there packs since they first started many years ago, they are in my opinion the best pack out there. They are American made, by honest, hard working, good people. I love the durability, and how you can interchange items as needed, not always having to have more than you need etc. They stand behind there gear, and they are tough and quiet. As a Back Country Hunter, they have performed great! You can check out my website at or facebook at Extreme Desire page, if you like to see them in use in the real world. Thanks, Randy
I've owned some Nimrod gear for about 5 years. I purchased the Bugle Bag and pack frame, along with a pouch for my rangefinder. Everything is very well made. I have had zero failures. The bugle bag has been on my back for the last five years through some of the nastiest brush you can imagine, brush that often leaves my clothes with rips all over. The zippers still work perfectly. In fact, the bag looks almost new. I'm not sure if the material is waterproof, but nothing inside my bag has ever gotten wet, and I live and hunt in Western Washington.
The pack frame also seems well made. However, I don't like it. I purchased it with the idea that I could used it, along with the bugle bag and a large dry sack, as a back country system. The belt and shoulder straps can be interchanged between the pack frame and the bugle bag. So the idea was to strap all my gear to to the frame for the trip in. Set up camp, and reattach the belt to the bugle bag for hunting. After the hunt, I could then put the belt back on the frame and haul all my gear and meat out. By using the same belt and shoulder straps, I'd be saving a little weight over a two pack system.
In the end, though, the pack frame just didn't work for hauling heavy loads. No matter how I set it up, the frame would sit very low with no useable load lifters. At only about 50 pounds, it would become uncomfortable. You can see what I'm talking about by looking on Nimrod's web site on the pack frame page. Look at the second picture with the guy hauling elk antler and meat up a hill. The frame sits very low.
I'd love to see Nimrod come out with some new type of external frame to use with their system. Something a little lighter that can comfortably haul heavy loads.
I have been using Nimrod packs for years until I ended up selling it all last year. I had the harness, several different bags, the frame, a couple of accessory pouches, and the bino harness. I love the bino harness and I still have it. I do regret selling some of bags and the harness, as they make the most comfortable day pack I have used. Unfortunately, they can't carry any weight comfortably. Top notch quality, great customer service, and I love the modular aspect. They are soft and quiet, and waterproof. The owner and his wife are very friendly and down to earth people. I have spoken to them many times, and they are great to deal with. If they would make a pack with a suspension and functional load lifters, and a bag around 6000-7000 ci, I would be very interested.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Looks like the thread leans favorable to Nimrod. I'm going to pull the trigger on this project. I spent about an hour on their site this morning reading up on the system that makes up their packs. I fired them some questions

1) Does the base day pack come with every other pack? So if I order the Guide Pack, is it built on the base day pack?
2) I’m thinking the Guide Pack might be my best choice if I understand it.
a. The base day pack referenced in #1 above can be taken off for a day pack?
b. I can add a weapon (bow or rifle) containment system to it?
c. That weapon containment system includes a sitting pad?
d. I can have a H2O pocket up to 100 oz?
e. Will it hold a normal full size spotting scope and compact/medium tripod?
f. I can order the Frame Pack and attach the Guide Pack to it?

Some of you probably already know all this, but I'd like to get it all answered so I know.

For those who don't know, this might be a good pack system for me as I rely on horses to get me to the hunting country, then head out daily from there. 90% of my hunting is from a base camp, so a lighter, modular pack might be great. Could also work for you all who might camp close to the road and hike in each day.
I'll let you know what I come up with and decide to order.

This will be my first new pack in 20 years (Aron has nicknamed me "Maynard the Mayonnaise Farmer" as my gear is pretty much '80s/'90s redneck stuff. Oh well...) .

Once I find what I like, I stick to it so I can focus on deer hunting. I've had my old 1600 ci Buck's Bag rebuilt several times over that period and it's served me well but has virtually none of the modern innovations in pack design, comfort, and features. I've also used my Kelty 5000 ci w/ detachable pack frame nearly as long- reliable but heavy and noisy. Looking forward to coming into this decade and taking away Aron's ammo.

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I've had the Pinnacle and it was well built and a good design but the waist belt did not agree with me like the Kifaru belt which I had been using for a few years. Because of my Kifaru experience, the Nimrod belt probably didn't have a chance. The belt was not uncomfortable it just wasn't right for me.

I should include that Nimrod makes the best pouches available. I sold the pack but kept all the pouches which can easily attach to waist belts or shoulder straps depending on the pouch. Simple, quiet and easy one-hand opening and closing. Available in multiple sizes from small GPS to large binos. I cannot say enough about the pouches.

I also use the Nimrod bino harness and it's a keeper too.
Robby - my buddy who has used the nimrod pack for years only guides and hunts off horse back which is why I think it works so well for him. Not a bivy style pack but plenty of room for all his crap plus room for clients - you know how that goes.
I am not sure which pack system he has but I know he can get his Swaro 80mm and a tripod in there although by the end of the day he is hating the extra weight.

I really liked the bino harness and still have it but decided to give the FHF system a try this year.
Robby, the Nimrod system should work well for you. Like I said earlier, they make outstanding day packs. They are very durable, lightweight, waterproof, and quiet. And yes, all the packs are removable from the base belt pack. The base belt pack is essentially a harness with a built in small lumbar pack. I used to keep emergency items, and a knife in there. You can keep items in it and not interfere with any bags or frame you attach to the harness. Have fun playing with your new pack.

I fired back an email to you with an attached Word Document for you to see the pictures since they didnt come through. Thanks again let us know what you decide for pack. Cant wait to send it your way.
I just picked up a Nimrod Apex system at the sportsmans show a couple months ago. I really like the concept of the system. I have taken it out on quite a few long hikes now and it is great with minimal weight in it.

The problem is when weight is added. The pack is built strong enough to handle a ton of weight, but it doesn't carry that weight well. The bags start to pull away from my back with nothing to hold them close. A set of long stays that run from the base belt all the way above the shoulders could be magic for this system. I think it would be the perfect pack if their was something to keep it close to my back and also function as load lifters. There are a couple other companies that make this type of system with a stay system that runs the full length that I may be checking into soon.
thanks for the info everyone. Nimrod is watching this thread so your feedback will get to them.

Looks like I'll be testing the Frame Pack and Pinnacle pack. It should be on the way today. I'll keep you posted here and on the blog how it all tests out. Hoping to have it for the shed hunt coming up.
Glad to see the feedback. Sumner I will let Doug know on your suggestion. Thats exactly what he wants to hear. Like I said before hes not all about competing with the Big Pack manufacturers but is into the day and multi day type packs. He wants to keep the current pack lineup but improve on them So that feed you gave Sumner will definitely get brought up.


We are looking forward to seeing your review on the Nimrod System.

Any Details on improvements let us know.

Nimrod Prostaff