Nikon P1100 vs phone scope


May 26, 2017
North Idaho
How does the crazy 125x zoom compare to phone scoping with a similar budget spotter ($1000)? Anyone actually done a side by side comparison?
Nikon is just shipping the cameras now so doubtful anyone has been able to use it in the field. The Sensor in the Nikon is FAR superior and larger then a phone. The processor and the lens on the Nikon compared to a phone is worlds different. The weakest link in digiscoping is the phone. The lens quality/sensor size is garbage if you want to blow your picture up bigger then 8x10 or do any cropping. That said, the P1000 did a very nice job and with the improvements the P1100 will be amazing
One huge issue with a regular camera vs your phone is workflow.

I like the simplicity of using my phone connected to a spotter because BAM, the video is shareable immediately. I can shorten it immediately. I can file it immediately. I do not need a computer to process the video.

I own $6500 pro cameras that, in this personal+shareable arena, are not nearly as handy as my phone + Ollin spotter/phone adapter.

However, if you want pro-level output, you’re also going to have out pro-level effort into it, buy pro-level storage solutions, and learn pro-level editing techniques.