If you had to choose these or the SLC when you left for a hunt, which would you grab and why?
If you decide you want to give a little mini review before the season is over, I think we'd all be okay with that too! Haha
Matt, have you reviewed and compared side by side the Leica Trinovid HD, Zeiss Conquest HD, and GPO Passion HD to the Nikon HG and Meopta HD? These are all about the same price and all in the running for best $1000 42mm binoculars.
Thanks for your review on the hg’s. Quick question about your review pair. Did the diopter adjustment on your pair actually click into the lock position or just slide up and down easily and keep from turning in the locked position.
I picked up a pair new and the diopter has no actual click into the locked position, it won’t turn when down but it pulls up easily when grabbing them out of the harness.
Thanks for your help!
There is no audible click, and the diopter does come unlocked with little effort. I haven’t had any issues with it unlocking when taking it out of the harness, but I can see how that could happen. I think a warp of electrical tape would solve the issue completely, if it continues to happen for you.
Has anyone compared these to the Monarch 7's? I've been very impressed with my 7's in 8x42 but I am looking for better glass in a 10x42. I've read it's a Japan vs China manufacturing and materials difference but I can't find any direct functional comparison.