Nightforce focal plane 1 or 2


Nov 24, 2018
Thinking I would want a second focal plane for hunting deer under 1000 yards . Wanted to know what everyone else thought where I hunt can have deer walk out 20 yards away and 2000 yards away need to pick between the two for a custom rifle mahalo
I like a FFP with an illuminated reticle, somewhere around 3-15 power. A shot at 400-500 is one where I'd like to have real wind holds, and be below max magnification. That means FFP. You could go SFP if max magnification is around 10 power, but if you want to spot your hits or watch the deer after the shot I find that moderate distance and high magnification makes that difficult.

If you dial wind and elevation, it's not such an issue. I dial elevation and hold wind though.
Both SFP & FFP can work well for hunting.
Things to consider is what comes natural to you in how you utilize the scope.
Are you comfortable dialing, or making reticle holds. How do you prefer the reticle to look like, size & markings. What power setting do you like to be at for most of your use.
do you like a reticle visible at lowest setting.
Will you use illumination.
what can you live with & what do you have to have. Example: I like that FFP subtensions are the same. & I like that SFP reticle is visible and useable at low setting. It’s more important for me to have the SFP reticle size on low power than it is to have the FFP subtensions the same at all power Settings. I am comfortable making the reticle adjustments on half or full.
With a SFP, that comes easy for me.
I usually dial for elevation & hold wind for first shots time permitting. & hold reticle for follow up shot.
I prefer SFP for hunting especially if shots can be 20 to 800 yds.
I’ve used both types, just gotta use what comes naturally & intuitively in hunting scenarios. I’m going with NX8 2.5-20 SFP
& maybe later try a 4-32 SFP.
Good Luck.
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Depends on magnification. 10x top end I like SFP. In the low teens I prefer ffp but could live with SFP. 15+ magnification I want ffp.
For anything beyond a few hundred yards my preference is first focal plane. I just bought a Nightforce NX8 4-32x50 F1 Mil-XT (#C634).

My rifle scope does not come into play for any animal at 2000 yards. Not even 1000. I want to be close. As close as possible.

But that's me.

I have not checked out the new NX8 SFP models but I'd certainly consider one for certain uses.
You can hold reticle on SFP.
Elevation & Wind.
& Yes it takes some learning how to
Utilize the reticle/power settings.
Comes 2nd nature to me now.
(And reticle is visible & useable on low)
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You can hold reticle on SFP.
Elevation & Wind.

It's possible not practical. Some are matched up to at a certain power. You would have to confirm it. It's a lot to remember and keep track of. Say it's true at 11 power and you are at 8, it will not hit where you are holding. I have to keep things simple, my brain only works so well.