Newly observed phenomena

Back in my younger days I recall a bunch of us guys standing around our trucks BS-ing in a parking lot somewhere.
A guy we knew pulls up with a Honda Gold Wing fully dressed, with his gal on the back and the tunes blaring. We chatted for awhile and then he left - as he did, he pulled a wheelie across the parking lot, right out back onto the road and kept going about a 1/4 mile. We all looked at each other like - damn that was cool.
It has always happened, but as with just about everything social media has made it worse. Between YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok there are communities all over the internet that tell each other how cool they are for riding like douchebags. Then every time one of them turns themselves into a skid mark there's a GoFundMe for the poor soul who just loved motorcycles so much and got hurt or killed doing what he loved. Very much in the same vane the mothers of gangbangers doing tv interviews saying "my baby was such a good boy, he didn't deserve this". It's the modern version of the outlaw/club biker Harley culture.

All that said, I ride a sport bike and go too fast sometimes, but only in situations that nobody sees it but me.
About a month ago I was driving down Powers Rd here in the Springs......three lanes on each side, speed limit 55mph. And coming the other way was 100+ ATV's and motorbikes all riding wheelies down the road covering all three lanes. I see 1-3 motorbikes doing that frequently, but ATV's??? And 100+ of them???? No idea what the heck that was all about.

I also see and hear the crotch rockets flying down certain 35mph crossroads doing 100+ where deer frequent. Just once I'd like to see what happens when the two collide.
I'd love to ride a sport bike on a track. I have no desire to ride a motorcycle of any sort on the roads.
The hard thing with bikes is you can be the best rider in the world, its everyone else you have to watch out for.

Had a kid I worked with that had a rough start to life. Took him a bit to find who he wanted to be but finally was getting it on track. Moved to Arizona, did bike mechanic school, just graduated a few days earlier. Riding to work one day, green arrow for left turn and someone blew the stop light. 28 years old and he was dead on impact. That was a rough one.
Same here. There are a couple kids up the street that have them and they rip around on them like they are peddle bikes. Driving on the sidewalks doing 20mph and they don’t watch for anyone.
Just seen one get run over in Bashas parking lot last week. hauling through the parking spaces.
The reason we are seeing more of these idiots who think its fun to put everyone else on the road at risk for their own enjoyment, is the same reason we have more shoplifting, vandalism and other similar crimes. People feel entitled to do whatever they want and screw anyone else who it may affect. We have castrated law enforcement. Cops no longer enforce the law because our nation now treats cops like criminals.
I see a lot of fat kids on E-bikes. If your child is fat and you get him a bike he doesn't have to pedal, you're a failure as a parent.

*gets off soapbox*
Two weeks ago a couple of jr high kids road a wheelie on their e-bikes across the grocery story parking lot. A sign of the times I suppose - at least they are very quiet. Lol
The reason we are seeing more of these idiots who think its fun to put everyone else on the road at risk for their own enjoyment, is the same reason we have more shoplifting, vandalism and other similar crimes. People feel entitled to do whatever they want and screw anyone else who it may affect. We have castrated law enforcement. Cops no longer enforce the law because our nation now treats cops like criminals.
Don't get me going on this topic. There is a curvy mountain road out of town I take to my hunting areas that is also the route to some popular weekend destinations. With the population in the area exploding, it keeps getting busier and busier on the weekends. The number of people willing to risk their life and the lives of others to pass around a corner so they can be three cars ahead by the time they get to the stoplight in town is enough to make my blood boil. I guess they don't ever stop to think why there are crosses with flowers on the side of the road ever half mile. If I had my way, I would put the penalties for reckless driving on par or more severe than for drunk driving. A hammer is the only thing that will get some lessons through people's thick skulls.
NO way I'd get on a bike on pavement.
I've been rear ended too many times while sitting at a redlight in my truck.
Both times would have been fatal had I been on a bike.
The hard thing with bikes is you can be the best rider in the world, its everyone else you have to watch out for.

Had a kid I worked with that had a rough start to life. Took him a bit to find who he wanted to be but finally was getting it on track. Moved to Arizona, did bike mechanic school, just graduated a few days earlier. Riding to work one day, green arrow for left turn and someone blew the stop light. 28 years old and he was dead on impact. That was a rough one.
I used to ride to work to make the commute a little less mundane. Wasn't a day that went by that somebody in SA traffic didn't try to kill me. You really do need to develop some radar in the city or you won't last long on a bike. If they don't see you that's one thing, but sometimes they see you and don't care because they need to short the exit line and they know you'll move.
Not new but may be more common

Worked with a guy back in the 90's that his friends said rode most of the way to Atlanta, GA from Tyler, TX on his rear wheel
I'm scared in a truck sometimes, no way I would get in the mix on the highway on 2 wheels