If your spending money on your hunt, gear,travel, etc. Prepare yourself for weather and a last minute kill. I drove to the outfitters killed a bull on the last day weather was cool in the morning and warm in the after noon. I'm not going to take a chance on the meat spoiling. I brought coolers if I killed early in the week it wouldn't have been a problem to debone and bring home. I had no choice but to bring the bull to get processed and get shipped back. Scott's farm processed the bull did a great job vacuum sealed clean. They are in Appleton near Gander. Outfitter arranged shipping Newfoundland big game, pick a city on there route go pick it up when it's there simple. Just prepare yourself for a last minute kill. I had sausage made it's good a little bland but not bad. I prefer to make my own. Just remember when you take your moose the journey/work doesn't end. You owe it to the animal to do the right thing. Your not supposed to bring bone in meat to the states just keep that in mind. If I was in your shoes try to find reputable butcher. I used Scott's farm Appleton I would recommend. Ask your outfitter for some references they could steer you in the right direction, depending on your location on the rock. Good luck it's a really awesome experience to kill a bull up close.