Newbie Question On Die Height


Jul 16, 2022
Hey folks. Coming back after a long hiatus. Purchased a reloading set during the pandemic but put it on hold due to lack of time and scarcity of reloading supplies. I’ve finally cobbled together enough components and a little time to get started.

My first day at the bench was today and I spent it getting acquainted with the gear. One thing I tried to get dialed were my dies. I got my brass all ready then started to resize. The first couple came out with this texture on the mouth. I hit it with the chamfer and debur but it was still there.

Is this a sign that my die is too low? Or is it normal? Sorry for the silly question. Don’t have a mentor to get me into this hobby other than you all.

Edit: Yes, I’m aware of the massive dent in the shoulder. I dropped it and stepped on it while trying to take this picture.




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I'm interested to see the replies. I've saved ~200 PPU and 100 Hornady brass from factory ammo (sorted) and It seems like maybe 25% have this "texture". Leaves me to guess at being a factory deal that you may not have noticed before putting them in the dies. Look through the rest of your cases and see if the unsized ones have it too?
I'm interested to see the replies. I've saved ~200 PPU and 100 Hornady brass from factory ammo (sorted) and It seems like maybe 25% have this "texture". Leaves me to guess at being a factory deal that you may not have noticed before putting them in the dies. Look through the rest of your cases and see if the unsized ones have it too?
Well, you are correct. After this first happened I reached over and grabbed a case from one of my tubs to see if it was on prior to sizing. After reviewing several I saw no sign of this issue. That’s when I turned to you all.

Turns out, I had inadvertently grabbed a Norma case (which do not exhibit the issue) but I was sizing Federal cases. After looking at few more federal cases just now they all seem to have this, albeit to varying degrees.

Thanks for the help!
Hey folks. Coming back after a long hiatus. Purchased a reloading set during the pandemic but put it on hold due to lack of time and scarcity of reloading supplies. I’ve finally cobbled together enough components and a little time to get started.

My first day at the bench was today and I spent it getting acquainted with the gear. One thing I tried to get dialed were my dies. I got my brass all ready then started to resize. The first couple came out with this texture on the mouth. I hit it with the chamfer and debur but it was still there.

Is this a sign that my die is too low? Or is it normal? Sorry for the silly question. Don’t have a mentor to get me into this hobby other than you all.

Edit: Yes, I’m aware of the massive dent in the shoulder. I dropped it and stepped on it while trying to take this picture.


Looks ok to me, except for the dent. Have fun on your adventure with reloading!
Since you said you're new to it when you set up your sizing die, did you do it based on the MFG instructions to set it so you get the "cam over" feel against the shellholder, or are you measuring shoulder bump?
Since you said you're new to it when you set up your sizing die, did you do it based on the MFG instructions to set it so you get the "cam over" feel against the shellholder, or are you measuring shoulder bump?
I set it up based on the Hornady die instructions. Are there other recommendations?
Have you acquired any read any books regarding the basics of reloading? If not I would suggest to buy this book and read it before you load anything;

I set it up based on the Hornady die instructions. Are there other recommendations?
Yes, not that it doesn't work, but it can work the brass excessively and cause case head separation within a few firings. For best case life, consistency, and least work done to the brass it's best to only bump the shoulders .002-3" for a bolt rifle. A headspace gauge allows you to contact the shoulder at the datum and measure how much you're bumping them. The kit has instructions on which insert to use for each cartridge. Kit linked here.

For initial FL sizing die setup you want to measure a couple fired cases from case head to datum and write down the longest dimension. With the ram all the way up, screw the FL sizing die in until it touches the shellholder, and then unscrew it 1/2 revolution. Lube a few cases and run 1 through the sizing die, and measure. Adjust accordingly (I do ~1/8 rev turns while adjusting) until the sized dimension is .002-3" under the longest dimension you wrote down. Use a new piece each pass while adjusting, and then re-lube any pieces that didn't get sized down enough and run them through again once the die is properly set.

For consistent results- snug up the lock ring and try to torque the die into the press with the same amount of force each time you make an adjustment. Also, if the case dimension grows don't freak out, keep screwing the die in until it's bumping shoulders back. Sometimes the die squeezes the lower portion of the body first and causes it to grow before the shoulders are contacted.

Hope that makes sense.
Yes, not that it doesn't work, but it can work the brass excessively and cause case head separation within a few firings. For best case life, consistency, and least work done to the brass it's best to only bump the shoulders .002-3" for a bolt rifle. A headspace gauge allows you to contact the shoulder at the datum and measure how much you're bumping them. The kit has instructions on which insert to use for each cartridge. Kit linked here.

For initial FL sizing die setup you want to measure a couple fired cases from case head to datum and write down the longest dimension. With the ram all the way up, screw the FL sizing die in until it touches the shellholder, and then unscrew it 1/2 revolution. Lube a few cases and run 1 through the sizing die, and measure. Adjust accordingly (I do ~1/8 rev turns while adjusting) until the sized dimension is .002-3" under the longest dimension you wrote down. Use a new piece each pass while adjusting, and then re-lube any pieces that didn't get sized down enough and run them through again once the die is properly set.

For consistent results- snug up the lock ring and try to torque the die into the press with the same amount of force each time you make an adjustment. Also, if the case dimension grows don't freak out, keep screwing the die in until it's bumping shoulders back. Sometimes the die squeezes the lower portion of the body first and causes it to grow before the shoulders are contacted.

Hope that makes sense.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up! A lot to digest here so I’ll re-read tonight and am sure to have follow up questions.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up! A lot to digest here so I’ll re-read tonight and am sure to have follow up questions.
No worries! I learned most of what I do now from here so the least I can do is try to give back.
Hey folks. Coming back after a long hiatus. Purchased a reloading set during the pandemic but put it on hold due to lack of time and scarcity of reloading supplies. I’ve finally cobbled together enough components and a little time to get started.

My first day at the bench was today and I spent it getting acquainted with the gear. One thing I tried to get dialed were my dies. I got my brass all ready then started to resize. The first couple came out with this texture on the mouth. I hit it with the chamfer and debur but it was still there.

Is this a sign that my die is too low? Or is it normal? Sorry for the silly question. Don’t have a mentor to get me into this hobby other than you all.

Edit: Yes, I’m aware of the massive dent in the shoulder. I dropped it and stepped on it while trying to take this picture.


Bet those cases were loaded with bullets that had cannelures and that is the imprint from the factory crimp into the cannelure.
Bet those cases were loaded with bullets that had cannelures and that is the imprint from the factory crimp into the cannelure.
Ya know....I saw these marks on maybe 20-25% of my Hornady brass that i saved from factory ammunition. I assumed it was random variance. Now that you mention it...I did have a box or two of Hornady American Whitetail mixed in with the ELD-X. Great observation, I'm betting you're right!